I had a surprise visitor this last weekend....my mom! Tyler knew I really wanted to see her before the baby came, and was missing my family so he arranged for her to come and stay the weekend. The really fun part was I had no idea that this was happening. Tyler had told me we needed to pick up one of his uncles from the airport, which I thought was sort of strange but his mom is out of town so I really didn't think much of it. As I am sitting in the car looking for this person that I have only met once before I spot my mom. But it was one of those moments where I thought I was daydreaming and did a double take. Of course Tyler got a little love punch when I realized it was my mom.
We went to dinner that night and then the next day we went to Estes Park and went to Zoo lights Saturday evening. It was nice to be able to just spend time with my mom and have lots of baby talk! I rarely get to just spend time with her because she usually comes down with my sister and the kids and whenever I'm home it seems to be a busy time.
Tyler is always thinking about me and how he can make sure I am the happiest I can be. He is such a thoughtful person. Definitely one of the many traits I fell in love with. I couldn't ask for anything more in a husband. He is amazing!
As far as baby stuff goes....we are 36 weeks. One more week and the baby is considered full term and can be delivered at the birth center! I am hoping to make it until at least 40 weeks and I am totally fine going even a little longer. There seems to be tons to do still to get ready. We are only measuring 34 weeks now, but the midwife thinks that seems appropriate since Tyler and I were both little babies and my body size. The heartbeat is 150 and the baby is still in a good position. Other than pretty normal things like not being able to breathe and having my ribs crushed I feel good. Oh and the not sleeping thing, which I might as well get used too! We had our car seat installed yesterday during our Bradley class. Of course now I am reconsidering our car seat purchase and will probably debate it with Tyler for the next two or three days (which means I will just talk his ear off). I still LOVE being pregnant and I am trying to enjoy every moment of it.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Long Con Boom Roasted
For those of you that don't know me, Lost was, and always will be my favorite TV show. My favorites were always the Sawyer-centric episodes. I don't know if there's a cooler accomplishment than the Long Con.
You also probably know that one of my larger daily goals is to Boom Roast as many people as possible.
You don't know what a Boom Roasted is? It's kind of like this.
I say "I think you're really really ugly".
Then you say "That's a really hurtful thing to say".
Then I say "I don't care. Boom Roasted".
That's lame...fine. Click Here for a much better Boom Roasted.
Know what's even cooler? Combining the Long Con with a Boom Roasted.
Here's an example...to date...my best Long Con Boom Roasted.
My little brother got married last June and I figured that since I've been bullying him my whole life I should probably continue the glorious tradition.
A couple months before the wedding he fulfilled his brotherly obligations and asked me to be a Groomsman in his wedding (on a side note, I asked him to actually marry Anna and I, thus one upping him, thus Boom Roasted).
Obviously, I was honored and quickly accepted. Then, I decided to go for my first Long Con Boom Roasted.
The next weekend I had dinner with my parents. As soon as we sat down I put on my most excited face and voice and went on to tell my parents that Ryan had asked me to be his Best Man.
Going in, I knew 3 things.
1) My mom knew that Ryan had not asked me to be his Best Man, and that she would think that I misinterpreted the conversation.
2) There was no way Ryan could ask me to be his best man leaving our other brother Clint as just a Groomsman.
3) There was no way she was going to set me straight...she would leave that duty to Ryan.
One of the harder things I've ever had to do was keep a straight face throughout this process....I had to let it play out.
Obviously, my mom talked to my brother who was shocked and devastated that I had misinterpreted the Groomsman conversation in such a confusing way. He knew he would have to talk to me about it, but in total fear, he avoided the conversation for a while.
Then, I got the call I'd been waiting weeks for.
Ryan - Hey bro...how's it going?
Tyler - Good....you?
Ryan - Good...hey....uh....I've uh got to talk to you about something....it's uh...kinda awkward.
Tyler - Ok....(Anna and I are both almost on the ground at this point)
Ryan - So...uh...did I ask you to be my best man?
Tyler - Yup
Ryan - Oh...well...uh....let me see....ummm the thing is that...
Tyler - Hey Ryan
Tyler - Boom Roasted
Lets just say that to date I haven't come close to doing better. I think I set the bar too high.
The closest I've come was actually this weekend, which I'm sure Anna will write about, and culminated with another bruise on my arm.
You also probably know that one of my larger daily goals is to Boom Roast as many people as possible.
You don't know what a Boom Roasted is? It's kind of like this.
I say "I think you're really really ugly".
Then you say "That's a really hurtful thing to say".
Then I say "I don't care. Boom Roasted".
That's lame...fine. Click Here for a much better Boom Roasted.
Know what's even cooler? Combining the Long Con with a Boom Roasted.
Here's an example...to date...my best Long Con Boom Roasted.
My little brother got married last June and I figured that since I've been bullying him my whole life I should probably continue the glorious tradition.
A couple months before the wedding he fulfilled his brotherly obligations and asked me to be a Groomsman in his wedding (on a side note, I asked him to actually marry Anna and I, thus one upping him, thus Boom Roasted).
Obviously, I was honored and quickly accepted. Then, I decided to go for my first Long Con Boom Roasted.
The next weekend I had dinner with my parents. As soon as we sat down I put on my most excited face and voice and went on to tell my parents that Ryan had asked me to be his Best Man.
Going in, I knew 3 things.
1) My mom knew that Ryan had not asked me to be his Best Man, and that she would think that I misinterpreted the conversation.
2) There was no way Ryan could ask me to be his best man leaving our other brother Clint as just a Groomsman.
3) There was no way she was going to set me straight...she would leave that duty to Ryan.
One of the harder things I've ever had to do was keep a straight face throughout this process....I had to let it play out.
Obviously, my mom talked to my brother who was shocked and devastated that I had misinterpreted the Groomsman conversation in such a confusing way. He knew he would have to talk to me about it, but in total fear, he avoided the conversation for a while.
Then, I got the call I'd been waiting weeks for.
Ryan - Hey bro...how's it going?
Tyler - Good....you?
Ryan - Good...hey....uh....I've uh got to talk to you about something....it's uh...kinda awkward.
Tyler - Ok....(Anna and I are both almost on the ground at this point)
Ryan - So...uh...did I ask you to be my best man?
Tyler - Yup
Ryan - Oh...well...uh....let me see....ummm the thing is that...
Tyler - Hey Ryan
Tyler - Boom Roasted
Lets just say that to date I haven't come close to doing better. I think I set the bar too high.
The closest I've come was actually this weekend, which I'm sure Anna will write about, and culminated with another bruise on my arm.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
What an Amazing Week!!!
Sometimes you just have one of those weeks where everything just seems to fall into place. That was definitely one of those weeks for us.
1) First of all....MaKenna's latest scans show no signs of cancer! We couldn't be more elated to have that news. It is and always will be one of those things that is constantly in the back of our minds; however, just having some reassuring news is good for now. That is definitely the best present we could have asked for.
2) Mashaela also had an appointment while they were down here and that also went well. Her A1c levels keep coming down, which basically means her average blood sugar is decreasing. This is good news. She got a sensor 3 months ago, which lets her know if her sugar is low or high. It is actually constantly working for her and helps Mashaela take more control.
3) The baby is definitely head down! As Tyler described in our last post, that is such a huge relief for us. Now if I could get the feet/hands/whatever it is out of my ribs that would be awesome :)
4) Tyler got a bonus at work, which we weren't sure he would get. This is going to allow me to stay home for 12 weeks after the baby is born. Again such a huge relief!
We just wanted to share all our awesome news!
We hope everyone else is having a great holiday season too!!!
1) First of all....MaKenna's latest scans show no signs of cancer! We couldn't be more elated to have that news. It is and always will be one of those things that is constantly in the back of our minds; however, just having some reassuring news is good for now. That is definitely the best present we could have asked for.
2) Mashaela also had an appointment while they were down here and that also went well. Her A1c levels keep coming down, which basically means her average blood sugar is decreasing. This is good news. She got a sensor 3 months ago, which lets her know if her sugar is low or high. It is actually constantly working for her and helps Mashaela take more control.
3) The baby is definitely head down! As Tyler described in our last post, that is such a huge relief for us. Now if I could get the feet/hands/whatever it is out of my ribs that would be awesome :)
4) Tyler got a bonus at work, which we weren't sure he would get. This is going to allow me to stay home for 12 weeks after the baby is born. Again such a huge relief!
We just wanted to share all our awesome news!
We hope everyone else is having a great holiday season too!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Ultrasound and Wabbit Hunting
Last night during our 34 week appointment we saw our baby's head!
The midwives have been having some trouble figuring out if the head is down. Considering that would be a "risk-out" of the birth center, it's kind of a big deal, so they wanted to do a quick ultrasound to take a look.
So, they turned on the ultrasound machine, put it on her belly for under 10 seconds, confirmed the head was down, and let us be on our way.
Let me tell you, this was some head. Unfortunately, I was a little bit distracted and was having some difficulty focusing on how awesome our kids head looked. Why you may be wondering? I'm glad you asked.
See, before we actually got into the appointment, we were forced to hang out in the waiting room. This is usually a good time for me (they have this humidifier sort of thing that smells really good and always relaxes me), but not this time.
Perhaps the single biggest idiot in the state of Colorado was also in the waiting room yesterday.
First of all, he was wearing a hat nearly identical to the one bel0w.
Keep in mind that it was probably close to 70 degrees yesterday. Want to wear a baseball hat? Fine by me. Want to wear an Elmar Fudd hat? Don't get mad at me if I'm asking you if you're heading off to hunt some Wabbit's after your appointment.
I wish that was the end of the story, but no, this fella had another trick up his sleeve.
Let me first describe the waiting room. It is small. Really small. Maybe 6 people could sit in it at the same time, and it would not be comfortable. Ugglies would be bumping, and if anyone in the room had bad breath, everyone would know it.
Well this genius decides to pull out his little Ipad or something and starts reading to his Baby Mama.
He begins with the headline of some story. At this point, I don't really think much of it. I guess if I owned an Ipad, and felt the need to bring it to an appointment (where the average wait time is under 5 minutes), and came across an entertaining story, I may also read the headline of said story to my Baby Mama.
But then, in utter astonishment, I realize that his intention is to read the entire story, front to back to said Baby Mama.
Not only this, but she is looking over his shoulder, reading the same exact story as he's reading it to her as she has the biggest smile on her face I've ever seen. Seriously, she almost looked like Jim Jones just convinced her that the Kool-Aid is actually that good.
There was only one thing to do. Look at my Baby Mama and say "Well, I know what I'm blogging about tonight".
The midwives have been having some trouble figuring out if the head is down. Considering that would be a "risk-out" of the birth center, it's kind of a big deal, so they wanted to do a quick ultrasound to take a look.
So, they turned on the ultrasound machine, put it on her belly for under 10 seconds, confirmed the head was down, and let us be on our way.
Let me tell you, this was some head. Unfortunately, I was a little bit distracted and was having some difficulty focusing on how awesome our kids head looked. Why you may be wondering? I'm glad you asked.
See, before we actually got into the appointment, we were forced to hang out in the waiting room. This is usually a good time for me (they have this humidifier sort of thing that smells really good and always relaxes me), but not this time.
Perhaps the single biggest idiot in the state of Colorado was also in the waiting room yesterday.
First of all, he was wearing a hat nearly identical to the one bel0w.
Keep in mind that it was probably close to 70 degrees yesterday. Want to wear a baseball hat? Fine by me. Want to wear an Elmar Fudd hat? Don't get mad at me if I'm asking you if you're heading off to hunt some Wabbit's after your appointment.
I wish that was the end of the story, but no, this fella had another trick up his sleeve.
Let me first describe the waiting room. It is small. Really small. Maybe 6 people could sit in it at the same time, and it would not be comfortable. Ugglies would be bumping, and if anyone in the room had bad breath, everyone would know it.
Well this genius decides to pull out his little Ipad or something and starts reading to his Baby Mama.
He begins with the headline of some story. At this point, I don't really think much of it. I guess if I owned an Ipad, and felt the need to bring it to an appointment (where the average wait time is under 5 minutes), and came across an entertaining story, I may also read the headline of said story to my Baby Mama.
But then, in utter astonishment, I realize that his intention is to read the entire story, front to back to said Baby Mama.
Not only this, but she is looking over his shoulder, reading the same exact story as he's reading it to her as she has the biggest smile on her face I've ever seen. Seriously, she almost looked like Jim Jones just convinced her that the Kool-Aid is actually that good.
There was only one thing to do. Look at my Baby Mama and say "Well, I know what I'm blogging about tonight".
Monday, November 22, 2010
32 Weeks & Optimal Fetal Positioning
Tomorrow we will be 32 weeks pregnant! We had a check-up today and everything looks great. I have gained 5 lbs this last month, which puts me up to 15 lbs gained total so that is good, and I am measuring right at 32 weeks now! The baby's heart rate was 150. Also, the midwife thinks he/she is already head down. She wasn't 100% sure, but said our next appointment she would be able to tell 100%. That is really good news as a breech position would risk us out of the birth center and we would then be referred to a hospital, which we really don't want. Actually if the baby is not head down by 36 weeks we risk out. It's been pretty cool learning about optimal fetal positioning. Optimal fetal positioning is a theory that a mother's movements and positions influence how the baby lays later in pregnancy. We want the baby to be head down with his back on one side of my stomach. This position makes labor shorter and easier. And when you are planning any childbirth, especially a natural childbirth you want that right? So, we have been doing a lot of exercises to help move this baby in the correct position. Lots of squatting, pelvic rocks, and sitting "criss-cross" on the floor instead of sitting on the couch. Of course I never seem to get the recommended amount of exercises in, but I've been trying. It's just been really cool learning about all these things that we can do to help us not only have a healthy baby, but also a healthier birth. For more information on optimal fetal positioning you can visit www.spinningbabies.com
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Leave Behind
Every year, as I take stock of the upcoming year, there are a couple days I look forward to the most. The normal holidays, snow days, and season openers usually make their way to the top of that list, but one I always look forward to is Pre-Thanks Thanksgiving.
When Anna duped me into marrying her (also, impregnating her) one of the greatest things that she brought to the table was the idea that it's kinda sucktown that you don't get to enjoy the best meal of the year without your friends. Also, with friends you tend to consume adult beverages in heavier quantities, which either leads to more fun, or more fights. I can't be sure which happens more often because honestly, I don't remember.
Last night was our third annual Pre-Thanks Thanksgiving and it was a blast as usual.
Kendall rocked the turkey (which is the only meat that makes itself into our house every year). I can also fully testify to the effects of triptophan since my dogs haven't moved for 3 hours after I gave them the turkey Kendall forgot to take with him as a treat.
The sides (always my favorite, and actually the only thing I eat these days) were well above average. You really can't go wrong with cornbread, green bean casserole, heart attack mashed potatoes, or homemade cranberry sauce.
You'll notice that what wasn't included in the side dishes was sweet potatoes, which somehow ended up on fire (broiler + marshmallows + less than an inch from broiler).
Anna even baked 2 apple pies, which unfortunately no one ate since we were so full.
As our guests trickled out, an event occurred, a happening that I need advice about. I am forced to turn to the readers of this blog (my mom) for further evaluation.
You know how early in the dating stage the ladies tend to "forget" that they left something at your house...ensuring a rendezvous? I know you've witnessed that random hair tie that was in the drawer in your bathroom that you haven't opened for 3 years, or the hoody that was behind your washing machine (it was probably your hoody but you can't remember letting her borrow it, plus, it smells like perfume).
In my possession is a kids toy. I'm pretty sure I know who brought this toy since there was only one kid at Pre-Thanks Thanksgiving.
In my mind, there are only 2 reasons why I would be in possession of this toy.
A) The parents of the kid would like to hang out more in the future. They communicated this to us by leaving the toy behind. This guarantees a future retrieval of the toy, and incidental hanging out.
B) The toy was in the middle of the table, surrounded by so many beer bottles that no one could see it. Also, even if it would have been within eye sight, their hands were so full with the kid (and the apple pie we made them take) that it missed the cut.
No one would ever accuse me of optimism, but based on my interactions with the husband, I feel like I've got some pretty sound evidence that A) is the answer. Think on this.
Other things to consider before you make your decision.
1) If they see us again they'll be forced to see my Forest Gump hair cut that Anna made me get.
2) The Verdi would be guzzled in record breaking fashion by the men, as the women discussed world events.
3) We'd force them into taking home another apple pie.
Me...I'm taking A).
Other pics from the night
When Anna duped me into marrying her (also, impregnating her) one of the greatest things that she brought to the table was the idea that it's kinda sucktown that you don't get to enjoy the best meal of the year without your friends. Also, with friends you tend to consume adult beverages in heavier quantities, which either leads to more fun, or more fights. I can't be sure which happens more often because honestly, I don't remember.
Last night was our third annual Pre-Thanks Thanksgiving and it was a blast as usual.
Kendall rocked the turkey (which is the only meat that makes itself into our house every year). I can also fully testify to the effects of triptophan since my dogs haven't moved for 3 hours after I gave them the turkey Kendall forgot to take with him as a treat.
The sides (always my favorite, and actually the only thing I eat these days) were well above average. You really can't go wrong with cornbread, green bean casserole, heart attack mashed potatoes, or homemade cranberry sauce.
You'll notice that what wasn't included in the side dishes was sweet potatoes, which somehow ended up on fire (broiler + marshmallows + less than an inch from broiler).
Anna even baked 2 apple pies, which unfortunately no one ate since we were so full.
As our guests trickled out, an event occurred, a happening that I need advice about. I am forced to turn to the readers of this blog (my mom) for further evaluation.
You know how early in the dating stage the ladies tend to "forget" that they left something at your house...ensuring a rendezvous? I know you've witnessed that random hair tie that was in the drawer in your bathroom that you haven't opened for 3 years, or the hoody that was behind your washing machine (it was probably your hoody but you can't remember letting her borrow it, plus, it smells like perfume).
In my possession is a kids toy. I'm pretty sure I know who brought this toy since there was only one kid at Pre-Thanks Thanksgiving.
In my mind, there are only 2 reasons why I would be in possession of this toy.
A) The parents of the kid would like to hang out more in the future. They communicated this to us by leaving the toy behind. This guarantees a future retrieval of the toy, and incidental hanging out.
B) The toy was in the middle of the table, surrounded by so many beer bottles that no one could see it. Also, even if it would have been within eye sight, their hands were so full with the kid (and the apple pie we made them take) that it missed the cut.
No one would ever accuse me of optimism, but based on my interactions with the husband, I feel like I've got some pretty sound evidence that A) is the answer. Think on this.
- I always laugh at his jokes. Not because I'm being nice, but because they're funny.
- He laughs at mine. (I think they're funny, but I find myself laughing a lot when no one else is).
- One time I was speaking to the greatness of Journey and out of the corner of my eye I saw him nodding.
- He told me he wouldn't be mad if I said his kid wasn't cute. This is a non-issue since their kid is actually wicked cute. Seriously. I'm going to sign the petition "Ugly Kids Parents Against the Parents of Cute Kids".
- One time I was talking about how much I dislike France, and I saw him twitch (I think in anger). Without even having to speak I knew that he knew that the French were responsible for:
- Communism
- The word "Bro-Mance"
- Racism
- Manicures/Pedicures
- Nuclear weapons
- France
- Multiple people have told me that if we switched lives our wives wouldn't notice (except the whole thing that I'm "big boned").
- He introduced me to my favorite beverage. In a moment of panic (people wanted to know what we were drinking) we told them that it was water. It wasn't water. It was Verdi.
- My BFF (Best Friend Forever) (Seriously...Forever) was rattled thinking he was about to be replaced.
Wild Turkey = Gobble Gobble = Throw up Face |
Other things to consider before you make your decision.
1) If they see us again they'll be forced to see my Forest Gump hair cut that Anna made me get.
2) The Verdi would be guzzled in record breaking fashion by the men, as the women discussed world events.
3) We'd force them into taking home another apple pie.
Me...I'm taking A).
Other pics from the night
Sunday, November 14, 2010
We're over 30 weeks now, and it's awesome, but there's one thing that has been happening lately that makes me more excited than anything.
Previously, I was convinced that my soon to be bad azzy kid hated my guts. It was kind of hard to deal with since I haven't even had to punish him/her yet, or tell him/her that his emo girlfriend/boyfriend was ugly.
The child would be sitting there (in the womb) partying and letting Anna know it, but the second I would put my hand on her belly the child would quit moving.
You know how little kids shut their eyes when they are getting in trouble, thinking that if they can't see the punisher, the punisher can't see them? That's exactly how I felt with the kid, almost like he/she was thinking that if I never felt movement, I'd be convinced there wasn't anything in there.
Well either the kid ran out of room (more likely), or decided it was time to get into my good graces (less likely), but every time I touch my sexy wife's belly it's like a Metallica concert.
I'm not even kidding. The movements are so hardcore that I either laugh out loud, or worry for the innards of my woman!
The only thing I can picture is my kid headbanging in there Metallica style.
Give me fuel
Give me fire
Give me that which I desire
Previously, I was convinced that my soon to be bad azzy kid hated my guts. It was kind of hard to deal with since I haven't even had to punish him/her yet, or tell him/her that his emo girlfriend/boyfriend was ugly.
The child would be sitting there (in the womb) partying and letting Anna know it, but the second I would put my hand on her belly the child would quit moving.
You know how little kids shut their eyes when they are getting in trouble, thinking that if they can't see the punisher, the punisher can't see them? That's exactly how I felt with the kid, almost like he/she was thinking that if I never felt movement, I'd be convinced there wasn't anything in there.
Well either the kid ran out of room (more likely), or decided it was time to get into my good graces (less likely), but every time I touch my sexy wife's belly it's like a Metallica concert.
I'm not even kidding. The movements are so hardcore that I either laugh out loud, or worry for the innards of my woman!
The only thing I can picture is my kid headbanging in there Metallica style.
Give me fuel
Give me fire
Give me that which I desire
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Baby Shower
Last weekend my mom and sister threw me a baby shower in Montana. It was very nice to celebrate with my family members and welcome baby Decker. I got lots of goodies and my mom and sister made it so special. Here are some pics!
My Grandma and Aunt Margy (they are twins and both were hoping we would be having twins too...maybe next time)
My Aunt Becky
My Grandma Connie
Me and MaKenna (Mashaela is trying to hide in the background)
My sister & mom
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!!!
I love Halloween! It is by far one of my favorite holidays...well I guess I really love them all. Tyler surprised me with a pumpkin to carve when he picked me up from the airport, which to a very hormonal pregnant woman was enough to make me cry. Yep, it was embarrassing but I cried. I cried because he bought a pumpkin and he loves me. Yep, it's embarrassing that I'm even writing this. So, we dressed up the dogs (I dressed up the dogs), we carved a pumpkin with an amazingly huge mouth, and now we are roasting pumpkin seeds. Maybe the dogs will be spared next year when I have a baby to dress up, but I really doubt it. It was also fun to see the kids in their Halloween costumes. I wish I could have stayed for trick-or-treating, but it will be time to go back to work tomorrow.
MaKenna as a southern belle.
Mashaela is Cleopatra with her friend Bobby Jo
Isaiah is Yoda without a mask. He is not super happy about wearing a costume.
Cyrus as you know who....
My first attempt.....
Tyler "fixing" my pumpkin
I'm almost as big as a pumpkin!!
Trixie is a pig with a tutu
Happy Halloween!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
28 Weeks...
We are 28 weeks pregnant! We had our 28 week check up yesterday and it went great. I have gained a whole wopping 10 lbs but I'm measuring 27 inches so that's perfect. The baby's heart rate was 150.
We have been stocking up on cloth diapers and I should have enough for the newborn stage.
The crib is all set up and we got a dresser yesterday.
So, really we just need a baby now, but I am definitely ok waiting another 12 or 13 or 14 weeks. However much time this baby needs.
I have pictures of the baby room and my exciting cloth diaper stash. I can't help but show it off they are so darn cute, but I'm spending the rest of the week in Montana so pictures will have to come later.
Interesting fact I learned today: all I need to do is push and the baby will come out of my ho ha. I learned that from a 4 year old.
Also...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTIN :) We had fun celebrating in the mountains last weekend and will have to post some pictures of that soon too!
We have been stocking up on cloth diapers and I should have enough for the newborn stage.
The crib is all set up and we got a dresser yesterday.
So, really we just need a baby now, but I am definitely ok waiting another 12 or 13 or 14 weeks. However much time this baby needs.
I have pictures of the baby room and my exciting cloth diaper stash. I can't help but show it off they are so darn cute, but I'm spending the rest of the week in Montana so pictures will have to come later.
Interesting fact I learned today: all I need to do is push and the baby will come out of my ho ha. I learned that from a 4 year old.
Also...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTIN :) We had fun celebrating in the mountains last weekend and will have to post some pictures of that soon too!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Baby Room...Chair Rail
We have the chair rail up! Doesn't it look like the room of a kid that will...
1 Destroy Ivan Drago pre fight. The second that commie looked at my kids face...his knees quivered and came together. Then the mat looked kinda yellow and you realized that dude just peed himself.
2) Come out of the womb speaking, diaper trained, and kicking the azzy's of those that don't signal a left hand turn.
3) Tattoo the words "I'm better than you" on their face. Then...when you come to confront the parents to figure out why their baby's face was already tattooed, you find out that the baby already made the tattoo disappear...with it's mind!
P.S...sorry my voice is so lame slash creepy.
1 Destroy Ivan Drago pre fight. The second that commie looked at my kids face...his knees quivered and came together. Then the mat looked kinda yellow and you realized that dude just peed himself.
2) Come out of the womb speaking, diaper trained, and kicking the azzy's of those that don't signal a left hand turn.
3) Tattoo the words "I'm better than you" on their face. Then...when you come to confront the parents to figure out why their baby's face was already tattooed, you find out that the baby already made the tattoo disappear...with it's mind!
P.S...sorry my voice is so lame slash creepy.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bradley Class #1
So last night was our first Bradley Class. For those of you that don't know Anna has elected to have an all natural birth at a birthing center with midwives rather than a hospital birth.
One of the requirements of the birth center is to take some sort of birthing class (kinda like Lamaze in 2010), and we went for the Bradley Method...AKA Husband Coached Birth.
P.S...Every time I think of the word coach all I can think of is the kids that Anna and I coach in Special Olympics Basketball that constantly scream "Put me in coach...I'm a shooter"!
Anyways...last night was class numero uno and everything was awesome. We were both having a good time learning with the instructors and the other couple taking the class with us. We couldn't stop laughing about the facial expressions that women in the 60's were making while giving birth (somehow they were able to contort their faces to resemble some sort of pissed off gorilla, which I think was one of the methods back then).
And then BAM...it hit me like my own fist on my own face...it was time for us to practice this weeks relaxation method
If you don't know me very well, I'm really immature. Words like cervix still make me giggle. I'm also very awkward, and nothing makes me more uncomfortable than things like I had to do last night.
Also, this is in no way a rip on the Bradley Method. Just making fun of myself for how uncomfortable this made me feel.
So...Anna is instructed to lay down on the floor in a comfortable position, and I'm told to touch Anna's left foot. The instructor tells Anna to make her left foot tense, and I am supposed to say...verbatum.
"This is tense. This is bad. This is what we want to avoid during labor".
What I'm thinking in my head..."This is tense. The fact that I have to say this outloud is making me tense. Seriously...my forehead is sweating. And I think my hands just got clammy. Aren't you glad I'm touching your barefoot? Doesn't it feel good...kind of like the touch from a corpse"?
Now, the instructor tells Anna to relax her left foot, and I am supposed to say...verbatum.
"This is relaxed. This is good. This is what we want during labor".
What I'm thinking in my head..."I'm not relaxed. I literally just saw a bead of sweat drop off my head and hit your nice pillow that you let us borrow (since we forgot to bring ours)".
During this entire practice I was also supposed to be massaging/rubbing her foot. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that my hands were very cold and sweaty, and that my massage type motions felt more like twitches, yanking, and jerking.
This week we're supposed to do this nightly on different parts of her body, and here's my fear.
By the time I can do this without feeling so weird, the week will be over, and next week will be a new method that will push my limits of uncomfortableness (I can't believe that was a word...I thought I was making it up) to the point that I will want a complete strangers fist to punch my own face.
Week number 1...only 11 more to go!
One of the requirements of the birth center is to take some sort of birthing class (kinda like Lamaze in 2010), and we went for the Bradley Method...AKA Husband Coached Birth.
P.S...Every time I think of the word coach all I can think of is the kids that Anna and I coach in Special Olympics Basketball that constantly scream "Put me in coach...I'm a shooter"!
Anyways...last night was class numero uno and everything was awesome. We were both having a good time learning with the instructors and the other couple taking the class with us. We couldn't stop laughing about the facial expressions that women in the 60's were making while giving birth (somehow they were able to contort their faces to resemble some sort of pissed off gorilla, which I think was one of the methods back then).
And then BAM...it hit me like my own fist on my own face...it was time for us to practice this weeks relaxation method
If you don't know me very well, I'm really immature. Words like cervix still make me giggle. I'm also very awkward, and nothing makes me more uncomfortable than things like I had to do last night.
Also, this is in no way a rip on the Bradley Method. Just making fun of myself for how uncomfortable this made me feel.
So...Anna is instructed to lay down on the floor in a comfortable position, and I'm told to touch Anna's left foot. The instructor tells Anna to make her left foot tense, and I am supposed to say...verbatum.
"This is tense. This is bad. This is what we want to avoid during labor".
What I'm thinking in my head..."This is tense. The fact that I have to say this outloud is making me tense. Seriously...my forehead is sweating. And I think my hands just got clammy. Aren't you glad I'm touching your barefoot? Doesn't it feel good...kind of like the touch from a corpse"?
Now, the instructor tells Anna to relax her left foot, and I am supposed to say...verbatum.
"This is relaxed. This is good. This is what we want during labor".
What I'm thinking in my head..."I'm not relaxed. I literally just saw a bead of sweat drop off my head and hit your nice pillow that you let us borrow (since we forgot to bring ours)".
During this entire practice I was also supposed to be massaging/rubbing her foot. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that my hands were very cold and sweaty, and that my massage type motions felt more like twitches, yanking, and jerking.
This week we're supposed to do this nightly on different parts of her body, and here's my fear.
By the time I can do this without feeling so weird, the week will be over, and next week will be a new method that will push my limits of uncomfortableness (I can't believe that was a word...I thought I was making it up) to the point that I will want a complete strangers fist to punch my own face.
Week number 1...only 11 more to go!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Why I'm a vegetarian
Listen people. It's time to get preachy.
If you don't want to read, please don't. This is for me...so I can put into words what I have a hard time explaining.
Note...if I tell you not to read, and tell you I'll be preachy...you shouldn't read it.
I choose to not eat meat. This decision is as hard as it sounds. My favorite food by a land slide is chicken wings. Naked, breaded, boneless or BBQ, I love them. I bet that I will continue craving them until the day that I die.
I also bet that on my deathbed the only thing that I will want more than a smooch from my wife and a Broncos W is a Buffalo Chicken Sandwich. I think I'm drooling right now thinking about that tangy goodness.
Here's the thing.
Whether you believe in evolution or creation, the design was the same. The sun gives the energy, which feeds the plants, which animals eat. The animals excrete what they don't need, which feeds the plants.
And around and around it goes.
By luck or design we were able to bust into this circle. The sun gave the energy, which fed the plants, which animals ate, which humans eat, which gave us the energy to feed the plants.
Then we got smarter, or more efficient.
Today, we can grow chickens, cows, and pigs in half the time that nature intended. Obviously, this comes at a cost.
Chickens have their beaks removed so they don't kill the other chickes in their one square foot abode. Hogs have their tails removed so that they neighbor doesn't bit it off. Cows stand in a foot of their own two.
They are so sick that the only way to keep them alive is to fill them with antibiotics, which is already leading to these drugs being ineffective on us.
What I'm left to ask is what was wrong with the original design? The circle worked. People ate, animals and plants kept the circle going, and we weren't killing the planet, ourselves, and the animals.
I believe that we should be able to shake the hand of the farmer that grows our food for us. Whether it's plant or animal, we should know them.
I believe that we have responsibility to know that the animals that we eat were treated humanely and lived their lives in the way that they were meant to.
I believe that our food should be grown without chemicals. We were fine for thousands of years without them.
I believe that until I can buy meat that is as easily accessible, affordable, and meets my standards, I'll stick to my veggies.
That's it.
I convinced you? (I knew I would)
What should you do?
Educate yourself (obviously I have recommendations).
Buy local. Look at CSA's (Google it).
Buy organic (I bet it's also local!).
Grow your own food.
Start your own blog to brainwash others.
If you don't want to read, please don't. This is for me...so I can put into words what I have a hard time explaining.
Note...if I tell you not to read, and tell you I'll be preachy...you shouldn't read it.
I choose to not eat meat. This decision is as hard as it sounds. My favorite food by a land slide is chicken wings. Naked, breaded, boneless or BBQ, I love them. I bet that I will continue craving them until the day that I die.
I also bet that on my deathbed the only thing that I will want more than a smooch from my wife and a Broncos W is a Buffalo Chicken Sandwich. I think I'm drooling right now thinking about that tangy goodness.
Here's the thing.
Whether you believe in evolution or creation, the design was the same. The sun gives the energy, which feeds the plants, which animals eat. The animals excrete what they don't need, which feeds the plants.
And around and around it goes.
By luck or design we were able to bust into this circle. The sun gave the energy, which fed the plants, which animals ate, which humans eat, which gave us the energy to feed the plants.
Then we got smarter, or more efficient.
Today, we can grow chickens, cows, and pigs in half the time that nature intended. Obviously, this comes at a cost.
Chickens have their beaks removed so they don't kill the other chickes in their one square foot abode. Hogs have their tails removed so that they neighbor doesn't bit it off. Cows stand in a foot of their own two.
They are so sick that the only way to keep them alive is to fill them with antibiotics, which is already leading to these drugs being ineffective on us.
What I'm left to ask is what was wrong with the original design? The circle worked. People ate, animals and plants kept the circle going, and we weren't killing the planet, ourselves, and the animals.
I believe that we should be able to shake the hand of the farmer that grows our food for us. Whether it's plant or animal, we should know them.
I believe that we have responsibility to know that the animals that we eat were treated humanely and lived their lives in the way that they were meant to.
I believe that our food should be grown without chemicals. We were fine for thousands of years without them.
I believe that until I can buy meat that is as easily accessible, affordable, and meets my standards, I'll stick to my veggies.
That's it.
I convinced you? (I knew I would)
What should you do?
Educate yourself (obviously I have recommendations).
Buy local. Look at CSA's (Google it).
Buy organic (I bet it's also local!).
Grow your own food.
Start your own blog to brainwash others.
Here are some happy chickens at Grant Family Farms. www.grantfarms.com
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Nursery Step 2....
Tyler and Stacey painted the baby's room today, and I love it! It's amazing what a can (or two) of paint does. Now it's time for some chair rail.....
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
24 Weeks....
So, we had our 24 week appointment today and it went well. The baby's heartbeat was 160, so it seems to be leaning towards a girl :) Don't tell Tyler! And the best news....I gained some weight a whole whopping 3 1/2 lbs. I was supposed to gain 4, but considering as of 4 weeks ago I had gained a total of 3 lbs that's pretty good. Hey I can eat as much candy and drink as many Icees as they need me to, I'm not complaining.
We also started getting the nursery taped so Tyler can't paint with the help of his amazing wonderful sister :) Thanks Stacey!
10 weeks
12 weeks
24 weeks
the nursery waiting to be painted....
We also started getting the nursery taped so Tyler can't paint with the help of his amazing wonderful sister :) Thanks Stacey!
10 weeks
12 weeks
24 weeks
the nursery waiting to be painted....
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Remember that one time...when you felt old???
So apparently I really like lists. Each of my last posts have been numbered. Sorry, but it's going to happen again.
Today, after a crushing sports day (Broncos and Rockies lost...and my 2 fantasy teams got smoked) I was watching my BFF (Best Friend Forever) (Seriously...Forever) leave my house and noticed some shananigans occuring.
There were some kids outside in a "soon to be" confrontation (fight).
Step 1...yell "HEY" as loud as you can so that they break it up and walk away.
Note...In my mind they were all in a circle and were chanting "Fight...Fight...Fight".
Step 2...they don't break it up so you walk in their direction and scream "HEY" louder!
Step 3...keep walking towards them as you notice a kid on a bike pedal his chicken azzy away.
Step 4...as you approach put your most serious face on and say "my next call is to your parents".
Step 5...realize you have never seen any of these kids in your whole life...you don't know their parents...and it's 10 vs. 1 (I mean I'm street and all but I don't know if Rocky ever went 10 on 1)
Step 6...the actual trouble maker (that chicen azzy on the bike) is long gone, the other kids are pleading with me to not call their parents (that I don't know) and trying to make me believe that they didn't start it (see the chicken azzy).
Step 7...spout some nonsense about "brushing it off" and "we don't need things escalating" and walk back home.
Step 8...walk back inside and tell you wife that you just saved lives...that you're bullet proof (seriously...he shot me with a glock)...and you taught a kid to read.
Today, after a crushing sports day (Broncos and Rockies lost...and my 2 fantasy teams got smoked) I was watching my BFF (Best Friend Forever) (Seriously...Forever) leave my house and noticed some shananigans occuring.
There were some kids outside in a "soon to be" confrontation (fight).
Step 1...yell "HEY" as loud as you can so that they break it up and walk away.
Note...In my mind they were all in a circle and were chanting "Fight...Fight...Fight".
Step 2...they don't break it up so you walk in their direction and scream "HEY" louder!
Step 3...keep walking towards them as you notice a kid on a bike pedal his chicken azzy away.
Step 4...as you approach put your most serious face on and say "my next call is to your parents".
Step 5...realize you have never seen any of these kids in your whole life...you don't know their parents...and it's 10 vs. 1 (I mean I'm street and all but I don't know if Rocky ever went 10 on 1)
Step 6...the actual trouble maker (that chicen azzy on the bike) is long gone, the other kids are pleading with me to not call their parents (that I don't know) and trying to make me believe that they didn't start it (see the chicken azzy).
Step 7...spout some nonsense about "brushing it off" and "we don't need things escalating" and walk back home.
Step 8...walk back inside and tell you wife that you just saved lives...that you're bullet proof (seriously...he shot me with a glock)...and you taught a kid to read.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
It's going by soooo fast!!!!!
Yea! We are 23 weeks pregnant today! That means we only have 118 days left. I sure wish it would slow down a little even though I am super excited to meet this little one it seems like there is a whole lot left to do. For example, I spent a good hour last night comparing reviews on 2 different types of bottles and still have no idea what one to use. I think I've got the diapering thing figured out (thanks to my good friend Kristin in PA) who I'm just going to copy :) The room has now been almost 100% cleaned out, which means this weekend we might get it taped and ready to be painted.
The coolest thing so far is the baby is moving everywhere! Usually the baby just moves at night, but today I have been feeling him/her move all day. Plus, I decided the baby will be super smart since the hearing is developed and he/she is just hearing me teach all day long. Well at least the baby will know it's alphabet and count to 30 when it decides to enter this world!
The coolest thing so far is the baby is moving everywhere! Usually the baby just moves at night, but today I have been feeling him/her move all day. Plus, I decided the baby will be super smart since the hearing is developed and he/she is just hearing me teach all day long. Well at least the baby will know it's alphabet and count to 30 when it decides to enter this world!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I know this much is true
So I'm watching Rocky IV for at least the 60th time this morning and had these realizations.
1) If this isn't a good sign for the upcoming Broncos season I don't know what is.
2) You know how in The Princess Bride Inigo Montoya says "My name is Inigo Montoya...You killed my father...Prepare to die"? Kendall wishes that Rocky would have said "My name is Rocky Balboa...You killed my black friend...Prepare to die".
3) For a minute I started feeling bad for Drago. Rocky has been knocked down by my count 11 times. No TKO?
4) Then I realized that Drago is just a communist and didn't feel bad at all.
5) Rocky for sure ended the cold war.
6) In the 3rd round Drago started refusing water which probably resulted in major dehydration culminating in Rocky being able to knock him out...thus ending the cold war.
7) You're all heart Rock!
1) If this isn't a good sign for the upcoming Broncos season I don't know what is.
2) You know how in The Princess Bride Inigo Montoya says "My name is Inigo Montoya...You killed my father...Prepare to die"? Kendall wishes that Rocky would have said "My name is Rocky Balboa...You killed my black friend...Prepare to die".
3) For a minute I started feeling bad for Drago. Rocky has been knocked down by my count 11 times. No TKO?
4) Then I realized that Drago is just a communist and didn't feel bad at all.
5) Rocky for sure ended the cold war.
6) In the 3rd round Drago started refusing water which probably resulted in major dehydration culminating in Rocky being able to knock him out...thus ending the cold war.
7) You're all heart Rock!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A Stay with the Nelsons
Tyler and I are fully recovered from 7 weeks of chaos with the Nelson clan. It was such a stressful, fun, emotional, and amazing time. Even though Natasha was here because her daughter has cancer she tried to make the most out of it, and they went on a new adventure every day. The Nelson's definitely know how to have fun! Tyler and I are up for a rude awakening if our children are as "fun-loving" as these guys. Right now are house is super quiet and the only messes we deal with are from the dogs so I think the Nelsons were trying to prepare us for parenthood.
As far as Makenna goes....the radiation is over, she LOVES kindergarten, and we just have to wait and see what the future holds. But for now...I think we are all okay with the word cancer not being heard around here for awhile.
As far as Makenna goes....the radiation is over, she LOVES kindergarten, and we just have to wait and see what the future holds. But for now...I think we are all okay with the word cancer not being heard around here for awhile.
The kids learning the fun of youtube |
Poor Cyrus hasn't learned not to let his sisters fix his hair |
Zoe is soooo ready to have kids around.... |
Sibling love |
Spider Man uses a pacifier right?? |
The kids spent a lot of time in the pool |
Why not lock your annoying little brothers in the dog crates?? |
Picking raspberries |
Isaiah's 2nd Birthday |
Isaiah's second 2nd Birthday celebration |
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Why sleep in a bed when you can sleep on the kitchen floor? |
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Getting ready for the 1st of two Broviac tubes, which she ripped out anyways |
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Last day of radiation party |
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Tyler and I decorated the house the night before her last day so when she woke up she had presents and decorations...we are so proud of her. |
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