As to the last "nickname" post, I need to add one, and need to give a proper "Shout Out".
A random thought. "Shout Out" makes me wish we had something more original, so maybe we can come up with something new. Let me know.
M&M - Totally acceptable. I mean if a Great-Grandma gives you a nickname do you really say no?
Rilyn was born on her Great-Grandma's birthday, along with Great-Grandma's twin. Both first names start with a M.
RGD - I wish I could take credit, but that came from Kendall. He gets points for both ingenuity and also for somehow convincing my mom to pronounce RGD as a word.
Kendall, I apologize for taking credit where credit was due.
On that note, on to business
For all those single dudes out there. I could be a decent fella and let you know that you'll eventually find your lady...And that she'll rock your world...and that it'll be worth the wait.
But No
This Is Just A Tribute
Have you ever come home from a long hard day at the office and found from scratch mushroom risotto waiting for you?
Has your lady been more patient with your kid, more so than you could ever imagine, or what I would describe, BENDING TIME?
Have you every felt that you should buy those "Just Because" flowers daily?
Has she blown your mind with how amazing of a mom she became in a blink of an eye?
In all seriousness, to you single dudes, I actually can't wait for you to find "HER", but can't help saying one more thing.
I got her. Neener Neener Neener!