Be forewarned. This is going to be a little bit on the mean side, but to be totally honest, I have to get this off my chest.
I'm not embaressed to admit that I enjoy American Idol. Nothing puts me in a better mood than watching the hopes and dreams of young people around the country get crushed.
Anyway, you know that SNL skit "Really???"? Like they will say something that really happened, but is so outrageous, and follow that up with a Really???
Here's an example of a real "Really???" skit.
"Really, Arnold Schwarzenegger? You had an affair with the maid in your house. You know, when powerful people have affairs they usually put a little effort into it. I mean, really. Secret rendezvous, high priced call girls. What did you do? Just sit in your recliner and point at your weiner whenever someone walked into the room? Really???"
Well tonight, there was a heartbreaking story about this 8th grader or something from Wisconsin who had over-come some bi-polar issues. At this point, I was totally in on her.
1) Because she couldn't stop saying "eh" and "ya know" in that sweet Fargo accent.
2) Because my mind immediately imagined her saying "What ya soh mad aboot eh"? Or, "Hey, stop being a poser".
So yeah, I'm cool with her story, waiting to get to the singing, and then she says...
"I've been battling depression since 4th grade".
Honestly, I almost fell off the couch, because, REALLY?
If you are struggling with depression in the 4th grade, the John Elway's honest truth, is it's only going to get much, much, worse.
When I was in 4th grade, I was flying high. I mean, by that time in my life I was pretty confident in my recital of the Pledge of Allegiance. The constant worrying in years past about forgetting the words were long gone.
Also, I think I had finally gotten past that whole times table thing. Eight times six? No fracking problem.
My parents also had recently purchased me some sweet neon greenish yellow shorts and a stone washed jean jacket. On back to back days, I could wear the neon greenish yellow shorts that were so short that I had to wear underwear under my boxers, and then one up my own darn self by going to school in stone washed jeans with a matching stone washed jean jacket.
I really don't mean to make fun, or make light of a serious condition like depression, but in the 4th grade?