A couple weeks ago, February 16th, to be exact we decided to start Ryder on solids. We were trying to wait until he was more sturdy when sitting up on his own; however, he has very little interest in sitting up. He can sit up and has for more than 2 minutes at a time but he throws himself back quite quickly. He's just a mover and can't move much when sitting.
So, anyways....we decided to give it a shot. We have planned on the Baby-Led Weaning approach again because it just worked well for our family.
His first meal was scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. He definitely had to figure out how to get the food into his mouth and struggled a little knowing he also had to chew and not just swallow the foods.
But, two weeks later and he is a champ. He rarely gags anymore (a total normal occurrence with baby-led weaning) and has eaten quite the variety.
So far he has eaten: sweet potatoes, toast, yogurt, applesauce (grandma Decker's homemade of course), squash, cucumber, blueberries, blackberries, eggs, pears, bananas, broccoli, potato, and cream of wheat. I think that is it. His favorite is pears and cries if we take them away when he is eating.
We really try to push the veggies at this age and it's been nice to really focus on that because Rilyn wants to eat whatever he is eating so she has been getting quite the fill of veggies too. She also loves to help prepare any meals for him :) She is such a great big sister!
waiting for his first meal |
working hard to get it in his mouth |
not sure of this.... |
yogurt can be quite messy...