We finally got around to getting Rilyn in for her 3 year old well-visit so I thought I would finish up our 3 year old posts with some stats and of course a little description of Rilyn at 3.
Rilyn was pretty excited to go to the doctor yesterday since she still really likes playing doctor and is very interested in check-ups since she gets to go to the birth center with us for my check-ups. She was very cooperative and talkative. She is doing everything she should be doing at her age and is super healthy. She really liked getting her blood pressure taken for the first time. She is still huge...37 3/4 lbs for weight which puts her in the 96% and 38 1/4 inches tall (75%). The doctor did call her stocky, which I wasn't a big fan of :) I knew she would measure and weigh big for her age because she towers over her friends that are her age, but I was kind of surprised at her percentile for weight. She really has none of her baby rolls left so I'm not quite sure where she is hiding it. But, she is never sick and to this day has not even had an antibiotic (knock on wood) so she can be in the 100% for all I care as long as she keeps being healthy!
Rilyn is still a great eater. She doesn't eat tons of food at every meal, but she eats a variety of foods. She eats most of what we put in front of her. She refuses to eat mushrooms or onions and there is definitely no hiding them. Her favorite things to eat are sweets (of course), cereal, waffles, edamame, nachos, cucumbers, sour cream, and olives. The girl loves sour cream, actually she loves any condiments.
She sleeps well. She goes to bed before 7:30 and is up around 6:00 give or take a half an hour. She still consistently takes an afternoon nap which ranges anywhere from 45 mins to 1 1/2 hours. There have been a few days where she doesn't sleep but I think those are mostly days when something exciting is happening and she can't fall asleep. If we are doing something fun after nap I try not to tell her or she won't go to sleep. She still wears a pull-up at night but not during her nap.
The girl loves pretend play! A few of her favorites are: store (including driving there in her pretend car of chairs), restaurant, doctor, and mama and baby. She also loves to play with us or whoever she can talk into playing with her (mostly Grandma D.). Usually she is grandma and the other person is Rilyn. She really likes playing that. She also likes to be Mary and Ryder is usually baby Jesus. He actually plays along with her pretty well as long as she keeps him entertained. She also likes to play hide-and-seek, be outside doing anything, building with legos, painting, playing with her dollhouse, playing kitchen, reading books, and dancing. She is pretty easy to entertain these days and is happy just being around other people. She also still loves to help me around the house, especially when it comes to cleaning bathrooms. I give her a spray bottle of water and a rag and she is in heaven.
She loves to be around other kids; although, she can still be a bit shy and not quite sure how to interact with them. I think she is getting better at this though. She started a new class at Sunday school and I think being around some older kids will be good for her. She is around younger kids a lot it seems. Rilyn is obsessed with everyone in her family and cries when it's time for people to go home. She is quite the social butterfly around adults.
She is really starting to enjoy learning more (which is good for this teacher mom). She memorized her first memory verse this month (John 3:16). We work a little on some preschool level academic skills, but really I just try and follow her lead and let her learn about what she is interested in. She loves to read by herself now and has a couple books memorized. She has a good vocabulary and definitely likes to be heard.
Rilyn also has quite the attitude and needs to be reminded often to be gentle and kind, especially to her brother. The other day Tyler was discipling her for something, she was arguing with him per the usual and since that wasn't going as well as she hoped she grabbed her toy cell phone and began talking on it while he was still talking to her. Seriously if that wasn't a glimpse into the future. I couldn't help but laugh. Recently when she gets in trouble she will ask me if I'm happy or if I love her...seriously can she melt my heart in like 2 seconds when she says those things. And I'm guessing she knows it!
We love her to pieces and really just enjoy being her parents. She is so much fun to be around and is really full of love. I can't believe it's been 3 years since she made us parents, yet it feels like she has been in our lives forever.
I did a birthday interview with Rilyn so I could remember what some of her favorite things were at 3 and here is what she had to say:
How old are you - 3
What is your favorite color - strawberry
What is your favorite show - Despicable Me
What is your favorite book - the baby one (I’m not sure
about that)?
What is your favorite place to eat - at town
Where do you live - Larkspur, Castle Rock
What do you want to be when you grow up - mommy
What is your favorite toy - baby
What is your favorite animal – the zoo
What is your favorite song – daddy and mommy’s song (Then by
Brad Paisley it was the song we danced our first dance to at our wedding).
Who is your best friend - Skylar
What do you like to take to bed with you – baby, monkey,
Ryder’s bear, and my bear
Who is your hero – she doesn’t know what a hero is yet I
What are you really good at – she couldn’t answer this
If you had a lot of money to spend what would you spend it
on – a couple of pancakes
If you could have a wish what would it be - Tasha
This is the video I took for the interview. I thought it would be fun to have a video of it instead of just doing the questions.