It was so close I could taste it. I already had about half of the 10.5 million we should have won spent.
It started on Rilyn's birthday. A couple hours after birth the nurse was getting ready to weigh her and asked if I had a guess. Out of no where, I say 7 pounds, 4 ounces.
Her weight? 7 pounds, 4.5 ounces (who cares about a half an ounce).
2 days later at the 2 day appointment the midwife takes her to weigh her again. I look at Anna and say 6, 14.
Her weight? 6 pounds, 14 ounces.
5 days after that, at her 1 week appointment, Anna and I decide it is time to tempt fate. The midwife takes her to weigh her, and just to make sure, I went with her. Right before she puts her on the scale I say 7, 11.
Her weight? 7 pounds, 11 ounces.
At this point I came to the only possible reasonable explanation. I could in fact see the future. I spent about 5 minutes debating how I could use this gift to better mankind, but ultimately decided to buy a lottery ticket.
In a cruel twist of fate (most likely a punishment for my selfishness), we did not win the lottery, and my gift seems to have vanished.
A couple other random thoughts about the last week and half or so...
1) You know in Karate Kid 1 when the Cobra-Kai's decide the only way they could take down Larusso was to "Sweep the Leg"? That phrase has been on repeat mode in my head, only Leg has been replaced by Membrane. Yes, I just compared our beginning stages of labor to Karate Kid 1.
2) I made no bones about my intense desire for my first child to be a boy. When we first saw the equipment of our newborn (and because newborns equipment tends to be enlarged), Anna even initially thought it was boy. It was not to be as there was no frank, but honestly, I can't begin to describe how pumped I am about having a daughter? Suprised? You should be, but meditate on this.
We all know that first born girls tend to be motherly, thus aiding her mama with future children.
She was 21 inches long. That's frackin long. She's going to be tall and beating down ill intentioned boys.
She could hold her head up at birth. That means strong enough that boys won't want to mess.
First born girls also tend to be responsible. Responsible ladies don't dabble in the dark arts.
3) At birth, one of the first things that I noticed was how big her hands and feet looked, but specifically how long her little fingers were. Seriously, take a look at the picture below. Can't you just picture her saying "Excellent my pretties"!
In all seriousness, I couldn't be happier. We've got a beautiful, healthy baby that makes us smile every minute. I've been looking forward to being a Dad for a long time, and so far everything from pregnancy through our first week and half with Rilyn has blown away any of my wildest dreams.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
1 Week Old...
Rilyn turned one week old yesterday! It has been an amazing week for Tyler and I. Neither of us expected the overwhelming emotions that we would experience with the birth of Rilyn. We are both so in love and are cherishing every moment we have with her. I can't believe how long we can just sit and stare at her and all her cute little faces that she makes.
For the most part, we are finding caring for a newborn easier than what we were told it would be. Nights can be hard, but I know it won't last long and I am trying to enjoy her needing me so much. There are moments were I feel like all I do is care for her, but Tyler has been doing a great job of taking over so I can have some alone time.
We had Rilyn's 1 week check-up yesterday and she is doing great. She has already surpassed her birth weight and now weighs 7 lbs 11 ounces. She is eating every 2 - 3 hours and we have gotten a few 4 hour stretches from one feeding to the next. That gives me about 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Last night Tyler and I celebrated being parents for 1 week by opening a bottle of champagne. So far I think we are doing pretty good and have a lot to celebrate!
For the most part, we are finding caring for a newborn easier than what we were told it would be. Nights can be hard, but I know it won't last long and I am trying to enjoy her needing me so much. There are moments were I feel like all I do is care for her, but Tyler has been doing a great job of taking over so I can have some alone time.
We had Rilyn's 1 week check-up yesterday and she is doing great. She has already surpassed her birth weight and now weighs 7 lbs 11 ounces. She is eating every 2 - 3 hours and we have gotten a few 4 hour stretches from one feeding to the next. That gives me about 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Last night Tyler and I celebrated being parents for 1 week by opening a bottle of champagne. So far I think we are doing pretty good and have a lot to celebrate!
Rilyn's 1 week check-up with the midwife that caught her |
The birthday board at the birth center |
Trying out her swing...she liked it for about 5 minutes and then threw up her food...pretty sure she just wanted to be held |
1 week old |
This is where she ended up after the swing...on the couch next to mommy and daddy. |
We survived a week...we deserve a drink! |
Monday, January 24, 2011
Rilyn Grace Decker in Words - Part 2
The arrival of Rilyn Grace Decker:
Our due date came and passed as expected, and we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new baby. On January 20th we went to our 40 week appointment, with the expectation that they would say see you in a week. However, my blood pressure was high (for the first time) and so we did some lab tests and sent those off. Since it was likely I was developing preeclampsia the midwife suggested we sweep my membranes (manually separating the amniotic sac from the cervix) to see if we could get things moving more naturally because if the lab results came back that I was developing preeclampsia we would risk out of the birth center and immediately be sent to the hospital for an induction.
Obviously this was pretty devastating, but we decided to make the best of it while we waited, and went to treat ourselves to dinner with Tyler’s sister, Stacey. Around 7:30 that night we got the call that all but one of the tests came back fine and if the baby passed a Non-Stress Test we would be good for now. So, we went back to the birth center and the baby passed the test with flying colors.
We went back home and went to sleep as we would any other night. At 11:30 PM I started having pretty consistent contractions that were about 15 – 20 minutes apart. I was able to sleep in between them, and they weren’t at all unbearable. By 1:30 AM they had progressed to about 10 minutes apart and I couldn’t lay in bed any longer so I woke up Tyler to help me. He still wasn’t quite convinced we were actually in labor, but I definitely knew I was.
We started timing contractions and for the most part I wanted to labor on the couch on my side. As the morning went on they got stronger, longer, and closer together. We used many techniques we had learned in our Bradley classes, but I was amused that for the most part laying on my side with an ice pack on my back wrapped in a blanket was all I needed. At 6:00 AM Tyler went to get some sleep while his sister timed the contractions and helped me feel comfortable. Tyler was able to sleep for about an hour, which was great and actually during that time I was able to sleep in between my contractions, which were about 5 – 7 minutes apart. I think that little sleep we got was critical in helping us get through the rest of the labor.
At 7:30 AM I was ready for some breakfast as I had an appetite during the labor. I called my best friend Kristin who was planning on helping us out during the labor and had her come over and bring breakfast. Unfortunately for me, I definitely entered active labor and no longer had time to eat in between contractions and needed to focus my energy completely on getting through them. By 9:00 I was convinced it was time to head to the birth center. My contractions were not consistently 3 minutes apart for 1 minute for a full hour, but it was very close to that, and my body was telling me it was time to go. Tyler called the midwife who I am certain did not think it was time, but I convinced everyone it was time to go by using some very interesting phrases and threats.
Driving to the birth center was a little hectic since I was feeling the urge to push, which scared everyone into thinking we might not make it there in time. When we arrived at the birth center the midwife checked me and I was 9 cm, so it was definitely time to go! I got comfortable in the tub and they started me on an antibiotic for my strep B.
I ended up pushing for an hour and a half, which although was the most difficult part of the labor went by really fast. The midwife was awesome in making sure that I was trying different positions and only pushing as needed so I didn’t wear out. She also helped motivate me as I remember saying, “is it working?” over and over. I just didn’t think I was making any progress. Once we could see Rilyn’s head I was all business and got her out in a few pushes. Tyler was awesome supporting me physically and mentally.
Rilyn was born at 11:55 AM on January 21st, weighs 7.45 ounces and is 21 inches long.
I got to hold Rilyn immediately and Tyler was the one to see if it was a boy or girl. We didn’t clamp the cord for at least 45 minutes. We just hung out with our new baby as I was being checked over. The next couple of hours was the hardest as I didn’t handle post-partum well. I ended up fainting twice and needing 2 shots of Pitocin to stop my bleeding and 2 bags of IV fluids to stop the fainting. Tyler, Stacey, and Kristin took care of Rilyn during this time. It was really hard for me because I just wanted to take care of my new baby. While they were giving me the IV fluids, I was able to breastfeed Rilyn. She took to it like a champ and is way better at it than her mommy. I have a lot to learn still and this has been probably the most difficult adjustment for us.
We were able to be home by 6:00 that evening, and spent our first night together in the comfort of our home. It was awesome! We are adjusting to the demanding needs of a newborn and getting into a routine. Tyler has done nothing but cater to me and make sure I am healing well. I feel great considering I just gave birth and I think it is due to a healthy pregnancy and non-medicated labor. Rilyn holds her head up and even looks around. It is amazing to see what a baby that is born without medication can do. Of course maybe it was all that dang protein I had to eat during my pregnancy!
Rilyn is awesome and we can’t imagine being without her for a second. And right now we don’t plan on it. We are going to hold and snuggle her all day for as long as she will let us!
Rilyn Grace Decker in Pictures - Part 1
A few minutes after birth getting some skin to skin |
Getting weighed a couple hours after birth |
Getting footprints a couple of hours after birth |
Getting dressed to go home |
Proud parents |
Getting ready to go home with Kristin and Stacey our support girls |
Our nurse and midwife |
Meeting the dogs |
Tyler's first diaper change...he was awesome FYI! |
Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Decker |
First night |
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Whenever You're Ready
I haven't posted in a while. There's a very simple explanation. I'm on total lock down mode.
The room has been ready for a while. We now have 3 baby changing stations strategically placed throughout the house that are fully functional and stocked with all the necessities. The breast pump has been purchased (Fantasy Football Winnings). We have even changed our bedding in preparation of a baby that could get lost in a huge, puffy, green, flowery comforter.
Instead of enjoying the playoffs with some adult beverages, I have been on high alert, sans a buzz, anxiously waiting for the breaking of the bag of waters. Side note...Bag of Waters? I don't get it. Are there multiple bags, or multiple types of water?
Today at work my phone began vibrating, so I pulled it out to find a reminder...Baby. Then, I looked up and I had an email from my baby mama. She was wishing me a happy Baby Due Date.
Only thing that's missing is this dang baby.
We were instructed to prepare to look forward to our due date, and prepare to wave it goodbye, but now that it's here, I have to be honest.
I'm a little bugged.
I've never held a newborn. I always figured I'm not willing to break your baby. Mine, I can break, and I'm looking forward to it.
I've never changed a diaper, but already have a little song prepared for the occasion (which will inevitably make baby mad). Anna even knows to give me my space and let me figure it out, even if it takes me an hour, 3 diapers, and 40 wipes.
I can't wait to be a dad, but more than that I can't wait to see how amazing of a mom Anna will be. I can't tell you how many horror stories I've heard from people about how rough pregnancy can be. I don't know if Anna's was easier than most, but her excitement and attitude has been so contagious.
She'll be awesome. You have no idea.
Maybe bugged is the wrong word, I'm just ready to meet this kid!
The room has been ready for a while. We now have 3 baby changing stations strategically placed throughout the house that are fully functional and stocked with all the necessities. The breast pump has been purchased (Fantasy Football Winnings). We have even changed our bedding in preparation of a baby that could get lost in a huge, puffy, green, flowery comforter.
Instead of enjoying the playoffs with some adult beverages, I have been on high alert, sans a buzz, anxiously waiting for the breaking of the bag of waters. Side note...Bag of Waters? I don't get it. Are there multiple bags, or multiple types of water?
Today at work my phone began vibrating, so I pulled it out to find a reminder...Baby. Then, I looked up and I had an email from my baby mama. She was wishing me a happy Baby Due Date.
Only thing that's missing is this dang baby.
We were instructed to prepare to look forward to our due date, and prepare to wave it goodbye, but now that it's here, I have to be honest.
I'm a little bugged.
I've never held a newborn. I always figured I'm not willing to break your baby. Mine, I can break, and I'm looking forward to it.
I've never changed a diaper, but already have a little song prepared for the occasion (which will inevitably make baby mad). Anna even knows to give me my space and let me figure it out, even if it takes me an hour, 3 diapers, and 40 wipes.
I can't wait to be a dad, but more than that I can't wait to see how amazing of a mom Anna will be. I can't tell you how many horror stories I've heard from people about how rough pregnancy can be. I don't know if Anna's was easier than most, but her excitement and attitude has been so contagious.
She'll be awesome. You have no idea.
Maybe bugged is the wrong word, I'm just ready to meet this kid!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Getting Ready for Baby....
bottles are washed and ready |
39 weeks and 5 days (yep I'm getting huge) |
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Remembering 2010 & Saying Hello to 2011
Happy New Year! Honestly, I've always been a little saddened by the coming of the new year. Maybe because I am so blessed to always have so many wonderful memories of the last year that I'm not ready to say good-bye. Time goes by so quickly that I just want to cherish it all and never rush new beginnings. I wish I could say I live that day to day, but I'm not perfect and definitely don't always cherish life's small moments as I should. 2010 had it's hard times, but was also filled with memorable and joyous moments. Incidentally, all of the times I have considered to be a challenge have brought more and more joyous moments to our life. That is a lesson I am taking from 2010 and living with in 2011. No matter what the challenge or struggle, even when everything feels hopeless & couldn't be any worse I want to have faith in knowing that there is a plan and I will be able to get through it. Not only can I get through it, but find the joy within those tough moments. Remembering 2010 for me looks something like this: |
Finding a cancerous tumor in MaKenna's foot...2 surgeries and 2 months of radiation |
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MaKenna finishing radiation and as of now no signs of cancer! |
Getting to see the Kozera's and meet Paige |
Finding out we were pregnant |
Being pregnant! |
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Celebrating our 1 year anniversary |
Country Jam with our closest friends |
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Lake Powell |
Camping |
The Nelson's living with us for awhile (one of those challenging yet very amazing times). |
More summer fun.... |
Kristin turns 30! |
Halloween 2010 |
A very pregnant Thanksgiving with the Deckers |
Pre-Thanksgiving with friends |
Carly and Ryan getting married, moving to Saudi, and the best part moving back to CO! |
I hope everyone has lots of memories to cherish from 2010 and a blessed 2011!
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