We've been pregnant now for almost 10 months, and it is mind blowing to me that we are STILL getting ready for this little baby. Really...how much preparation can something that is born around 8 lbs going to take? And I'm not at all a slacker I've really been getting ready for this baby since we found out we were pregnant. Now, I will admit that Tyler and I are both a little anal and over analyze everything from big things such as carseats and how we are going to raise this little one to little things like what side of the room to put the bassinet on and how we are going to store our bottles. Yep, we've just spent the last 1/2 hour having a heated discussion on the best way to store our bottles in the cupboard. The funny thing is I'm sure none of it is really going to matter because once this baby comes we will probably need to change the way we thought things were going to work to fit this particular baby and how it wants to run things. And are you actually ever ready? People have babies early all the time and I can't imagine not having every single day we've had to prepare! Well, we are hoping this baby comes this week because we are as ready as we will ever be and we just want to meet it! Who knows this could be our last post before it's arrival! Or it could make us wait until next week and I will have next weekend to over-prepare and over-analyze EVERYTHING!  |
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