Yesterday we went for Rilyn's 6 month well baby check-up. She is doing everything she is supposed to be doing and continuing to amaze Tyler and I everyday!
Weight - 19.8 lbs (94%)
Height - 26 1/2 inches (68%)
Head Circumference - 17 inches (64%)
She is wearing 9 - 12 month or 12 - 18 month clothes depending on the outfit. Anything that has elastic around the belly or thighs needs to be 12 - 18 months. I have to admit dressing a little girl is the most fun ever! I love that she has 2 grandmas that love to buy her cute outfits and I love bargain shopping so Tyler doesn't usually get too upset with me for spending money.
Everyday is seems that Rilyn is doing more and more. She definitely knows Tyler and I apart from other people and it just melts my heart when she is upset and just needs her mommy! She is sitting up on her own and rarely tumbles over anymore. She is cooing and talking tons, and I am pretty sure is picking up the sign for milk. I do a lot of signing with my students, and I am rather good at picking up on non-verbal communication and I am sure she is starting to sign for milk (Tyler doesn't believe me). She is also starting to go from a sitting position to her hands and knees but can't hold herself up so she just ends up toppling over on her head. She is rolling from her back to her tummy (finally) and still gets ticked off is she is on her belly for more than a couple seconds. Although, in true Rilyn show off mode, she hung out on her belly in front of some friends today for a good 5 minutes. The rolling over has caused some issues...she now rolls over when she sleeps...not a big deal you say??? Well, it is if she wakes up screaming bloody murder every time, which a couple nights last week was every 15 minutes! She ended up in her swing those nights.....
Sleeping is still kind of wishy washy for her and she doesn't have a consistent sleep pattern. Some weeks she does great only getting up once or twice, and some weeks she is up every hour although that is occurring less and less. She really needs her bedtime routine and goes to sleep much easier when we can follow through with it. She gets her bath, a couple books, nurses, and then rocks to sleep. She is still napping in the swing and I feel guilty about it everyday! But, she sleeps there and I am not willing to give that up right now. I need my breaks and she needs her sleep. She will fall asleep for naps very easily with her pacifier and a couple minutes of rocking but is up exactly 30 minutes later if she is not in her swing. She just hasn't mastered putting herself back to sleep yet.
Eating has been a fun and new adventure for us this last week. So far she has tried: red bell peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, green bell peppers, spinach, oatmeal, pear, peach, plum, dried apple, cucumbers, hummus, lentil patties....I think that is it. Her favorites so far has been the dried apple and cucumber. She LOVES the cucumbers (probably because we grew them in our garden). Tyler is doing amazing at this baby-led weaning. He is really patient and not at all nervous. I freak out every 5 seconds, but I am doing better and I am trying to relay a positive attitude to Rilyn about it. We are only giving her solids at dinner right now, and will do breakfast if Tyler is home. We are giving her a sippy cup when she eats, but she just kind of plays with it, which is fine since breastfed babies don't need extra water. She is still nursing every 2 - 3 hours for me, but if she is with others will go 3 - 4 hours for a bottle. We are hoping the breastfeeding goes okay now that I go back to work and we are really committed to making it work...I really hate pumping and I applaud every mom that has ever done it because well frankly IT SUCKS!!!
Speaking of going back to work...I start in a week. I am really excited for another year with my students. Most of them this will be my 3rd year working with them and it is amazing to see them progress. Of course I am bummed to leave Rilyn but I am trying to have a positive attitude. She will be in great hands!
Well, I think that is all....we are loving every second of being parents and really at this point couldn't imagine how we were once happy without her!
getting ready for breakfast |
squishy oatmeal |
really motivated to get Trixie |
she will now sleep on her stomach, but is really mad when she wakes up |
eating Joaquin's dehydrated apple ring |
playing with Ms. Diana |
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