Friday, March 7, 2014

Swimming, Playing, and Baby Loving...

I thought I would just give a little update on what we've been up to around here lately....

Rilyn has had swim lessons on Saturday mornings for the past month.  It was a lot of fun, and she really became super comfortable in the water.  She also started showing some skills which is nice. Her last swimming lessons she was so young it really was about water comfort and safety.  I feel like she is actually starting to learn the mechanics of swimming and that has been fun to watch!

 Trying to get outside when it's not snowing!

Lots of fun outings with friends...this was a really fun indoor playground that was right up Ryder's alley.  He was a maniac and I can't believe we left without blood and/or bruises!

 Talking a lot about the baby and giving it lots of love already.

Walking the neighborhood and collecting lots and lots of rocks.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ryder at 18 Months

Ryder is really closer to 19 months at this point, so really this is going to be an 18 - 19 month post.  Finding energy these days to do much of anything seems to be getting harder and harder!  It doesn't help that Ryder's energy is doubling most days!  He is definitely in the toddler stage and we are getting the non-compliance and fun tantrums that will probably last for the next year and a half!  He has his own idea of what he wants to be doing and most of the time it doesn't coincide with what I think he needs to be doing!

His language is really expanding.  He puts 2 - 3 words together, will repeat titles of books (Brown Bear Brown Bear & Caps for Sale), fills in words that repeats in stories if I purposefully leave them out, has so many words I've lost count at this point, and knows quite a few words to different songs.  A fun word he started saying recently has been HaHa which we figured out means Grandma.  Other than that word though he is pretty easy to understand.  He doesn't really babble yet, and I'm really hoping he does!  Rilyn babbled forever and I loved it, but he might just go straight to talking.  

He seems to be a little less picky when it comes to eating lately.  He is at least attempting more foods and has a pretty good diet right now.  He loves candy and cookies and asks for them after every meal...which he obviously does not get.  He really likes edamame, any fruit, oatmeal, eggs, and bagels with cream cheese.  

He loves to be outside and we've been lucky enough to have a few nice days where we have gotten out for walks or to the park.  It's been fun since he just started walking when the weather changed and we haven't been able to enjoy him as a walker outside much.  He really likes going down the slides at the park and is very brave.  He has no fear when it comes to anything on land or water.  

He loves trains (is actually a little obsessed), books (very obsessed), and playing with all our kitchen toys.  He plays great and already does lots of pretend playing thanks to sissy. It's so much fun watching the two of them together.  

We had his 18 month well-visit check the other day and he is healthy and growing just as he should be.  It is such an amazing blessing to have two healthy kids and it is something I am so thankful for every day.  Ryder hasn't even had to go to the doctor for a sick visit yet! Of course the kid has a perpetual runny nose, which our doctor says is expected of the 2nd because they are exposed to so much more with the older sibling and pretty soon his immune system will catch up.  As far as his stats go...he weighs 27 lbs which puts him in the 70% and is 34 inches tall so he is in the 95% for height!  I think he just went through a growth spurt since his shoes started getting a little small and his pants a little less long so we will see if that trend continues on his 2 year visit.

Minus all the normal toddler behaviors he is a lot of fun and already very polite.  Even the doctors were impressed when after they checked his heart and lungs he spontaneously told them thank you and then preceded to tell them thank you after each little check.  He is really a goof ball and keeps us laughing.  I am sad to report that he has finally stopped cuddling...I would probably be crying right now, but since I have one another coming out in a couple months I will get my cuddling fix then.  He barely has time for a quick hug before running off. 

This little ball of energy sure keeps us moving and laughing around here!