Wednesday, September 21, 2011

8 months old...

Rilyn turned 8 months old today!  It still blows my mind that she has been in our life for that long, it feels like just yesterday we were at the birth center awaiting her arrival.  She it totally a mama's girl right now, and I have to admit I just love it.  I love that she molds perfectly into my body when nursing and that she misses me.  That she sees me as the person to protect her and care for her needs.  And I am just relishing that because I know she will be a daddy's girl soon and will probably stay that way for a very long time! 

The biggest thing she is doing right now is crawling...everywhere!  It makes taking care of baby a lot harder, but a lot more fun!  She has been super content lately and just tons of fun, minus the temper tantrums.  Which she has often, what can I say she has her daddy's temper and her mama's good looks!  Well, really she has her Aunt Stacey's good looks...

She is clapping, laughing, turning pages of books, and starting to wave. She is only getting up once at night and napping in her crib.

She is eating tons of food with her 3 bottom teeth!  She pretty much  broke the last tooth without us knowing so hopefully the rest are so easy.

I guess that is all that is happening now....pretty much she is just the coolest baby ever and we love her tons!!!!


talking, which she does tons of right now

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The last week in pictures....




September Ramblings

We're back...hopefully less grumbling and more rambling.

Moms are amazing.

Any guy you know who doesn't immediately love his mom 20 percent more after their first kid isn't chipping in enough with their own kid.

I had this dream one time that I would love to be a stay at home dad.  That dream died about 6 seconds after my first diaper change and was only reinforced by last Tuesday.  My BFF and I went to the Broncos game last Monday, and knowing that I wouldn't be home until after midnight, I thought I'd out-think the competition (life) and take Tuesday off and spend it with sugar lips.

This kid...turns not a big fan of sitting still.  I dumbly figured I'd get some decent napping in but was rudely interrupted by RGD's desire to put dog toys in her mouth, her efforts to climb out the window, and an experiment with the stairs.  I always figured myself some sort of disciplinarian, but one frackin smirk from this little chunker makes me laugh, destroying my grand intentions of teaching her the word no.

I woke up Wednesday feeling like I just power squatted Drago (Rocky IV) five hundred times.  My lack of napping left me flustered for the remainder of the week, and I had some weird hickey looking thing on my arm from when she latched onto my forearm after a moment of spaciness.

So yeah, although being a dad rocks, not sure I'm cut out for the stay at home dad thing.

Now...onto the ramblings.

One other person who is rocking my world these days.  My sissy.  Not only does she entertain her niece on Mondays (babysit), but without any effort at all, has been able to unintentionally boom roast me.

Somehow she's found a dude who is almost living the life I wish I was.  Living in a townhouse in a neighborhood that frequently blots 911 with robberies, hi-jackings, and your everyday murder, I'm left without some chickens and the land they would necessitate.

Jay-son (seriously, Google Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon) seems to taunt me with pictures of the types of chickens he wants to procure.

All the time.

Now, there are discussions of a goat or two.

I've decided I'll just live through him, and help build his chicken coup.  Maybe he'll also let me name a goat (Elway).  The joke's on him though since I don't think sissy has explained that I don't like to get my hands dirty (saw dust = yuck).

I've also recently come into possession of a sweet window seat at work.  After day 1 at my new desk, I'm feeling like the joke is on me.  Being closer to the windows means I'm closer to the sun on the windows.  Superman had kryptonite, Rocky had Clubber, and I have any upward movement of my body temperature.

Lastly, after much research, I've figured out why I'm poor.  Every time any kind of money comes my way, my wife spends it.

Last year I pocketed a little money from fantasy football.  

Yesterday, I sold an unused birthday present on Craigslist.

Anna must have been using the force on me since the only thing I have to show for these achievements is a breast pump and some cloth diapers.

And for real...lastly, with a warning.

Any sports haters.  Quit here.

We had an awesome day at the Rockies game today, which occurred during the same time as the Broncos game.  This was obviously a bit of an issue with Anna and I since she knows that on Broncos games I take my meals on the couch and prefer little (no) conversation.

Being the family man that I am, I sucked it up, went to the Rockies game, DVR'd the Broncos game, and told anyone within 10 feet of me that I wanted to know nothing until I got home to watch the game.

What happens?  5 minutes after we leave the Rockies game my mom (who I was at the Rockies game with) calls me trying to tell me what happened during the game.  Luckily, I was able to fend the siege off with no real damage done. 

2 hours after that, the bloody Broncos actually won.  I wouldn't call the win devastating (that was reserved when the U.S.A. came back to beat Brazil), but for sure crushing.  We're so dang bad, being horrible enough to land a sweet QB in the next draft is all I can hope for.

Because let's be honest.  Tebow is only good at selling shirts.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Girls Weekend

This weekend my mom and I decided to meet halfway in Casper Wy so she could see Rilyn and we could spend a little time together.  It's hard to get away for the weekend to see eachother with an 8 hour drive.  This was perfect because we could leave Saturday and come back Sunday.

We just walked around downtown, ate some yummy food, and grandma spoiled Rilyn tons!

We are so lucky to have such amazing grandparents for Rilyn. 

Here are some pics from the weekend.

Rilyn is crawling and gets into everything!

First pigtails

Obviously I was way more amused than Rilyn

crazy hair

this is what happens when you pick up a baby and your suitcase that you forgot to zip up

Yum road trip snacks....I had already eaten my candy bar

Sunday, September 4, 2011

What's Been Going On You Ask?

Besides living the crazy life of two full-time working parents.....
Dinner parties with good friends

Meeting new friends for Rilyn and reconnecting with old friends like there has been no time or many miles separating you for mommy
It looks like she was afraid of him, but she wasn't she was actually quite fond of him!

Brian is frolicking in the mountains for the next couple days...he sent this package to my house...only he would send such package....
Playing with lots of toys

Playing with toys while drinking beer

Fighting Trixie over toys, at one point they both had the same toy in their mouths

She gave up on the toy and went for Trixie
Enjoying the last days of summer and cute summer clothes

Becoming daddy's girl, but still needing mommy to do the comforting (which I not so secretly relish)

Rilyn is doing new things everyday.  I think this is the most she has ever changed in a short amount of time.  For so long, they are just this little (or not so little) ball of sleeping, eating, pooping baby, but now it seems like everyday she is changing.  

She is becoming more and more content everyday and for the first time in 7 months Tyler and I felt we could hang out and be lazy while Rilyn played and was happy.  Typically by Saturday at 10:00 AM we are finding something to do a.k.a go to grandmas so we don't have to listen to her fuss.  

She has two of the cutest little teeth ever!  I don't know why mom's think everything about their babies is cute, but seriously I think her teeth are cute and love looking at them.  

She is moving everywhere although she is not yet crawling.  She just rolls, and then shuffles, and then slides, and then rolls some more.  Which gets her to where she wants to go....the dog bed.  All the moving is resulting in some weight loss we think.  Her diapers are fitting better and the swing buckles more easily.  I don't know why but I am having the hardest time thinking she won't be our chunky baby anymore.  It makes me cry a lot...I will probably go kiss every one of her rolls right now before they are gone!  Aunt Carly beware, you might cry about this more than me...should we force feed her butter all day???

She is trying to stand up and is getting one foot flat on the ground, but then falls and cries and mom has to jump to her rescue and enjoy the 1 or 2 minutes of cuddle time that follows.  Hey when you don't have a cuddly baby you take what you can get! 

She is finally realizing that toys are more for than chewing, sucking, drooling on.  She shakes them to hear noises, bangs them against everything, and searches through them until she finds her favorite (the only plastic non-BPA free toy we have of course).  

She is signing for milk consistently now, but hasn't picked up any more signs.  It's nice that I know a few from teaching my students signs.  Eating is fun, and she loves food.  We are doing lots of veggies, fruits, and whole grains, so we are planning on getting some more proteins introduced soon.  She is pretty much just eating whatever we eat except dairy.  She still has a hard time digesting citrus, breaks out from tomatoes and bananas, and strawberries give her a diaper rash.  But, we are hopeful these will all disappear as her digestion system matures. 

Wow, I guess that is all for now. Time for a nap for Rilyn!