Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November Moments

November seemed to fly by with Thanksgiving, school, and general life around here.  We've spent some time getting stuff ready for baby, lots of reading, and still were able to enjoy some awesome fall weather.

The kids had fun packing their shoeboxes again this year.  It becomes more meaningful as they get older and it's a great way to start off our month of practicing gratitude for what we have.  It's also getting a little harder as far as conversations go and makes my mama brain and heart think hard about how to respond to their questions and emotions regarding life outside of our little home.  The kids were very proud of the stuff they picked out and enjoyed writing little notes to put in their shoeboxes. We also watched some Youtube videos with kids getting their boxes and this really helped them understand the excitement and love the kiddos feel when they get to open their presents.

Decorating boxes and writing on their information sheets...with a Sawyer photo bomb
Rilyn really got into the election this year, so the night of the election she got to color in her map when states won.  She was pretty bummed she could only stay up for like 10 states to announce their winner, but it was a great way to stick some geography and social studies into our schooling.  She obviously had her own opinion on who she wanted to win, and lets say we had a pretty disappointed girl the next morning.

We had some fun outings like the Wildlife Experience and lots of park days, but for the most part we have started to slow down in preparation for the new baby.  I'm in hibernation mode a little which is really challenging around the holidays.

Even though the kids get wild they are never bored at home.  Actually, I don't think they know what that word is.  We've been playing with toys and games that haven't been touched all summer and of course lots and lots of reading.

Rilyn oohhing and ahhing over baby socks.  She seriously can not get enough of this baby business.

Sawyer is mad because he won the board game.  Go figure...

This looks like a peaceful picture but honestly they were fighting over trains because as you can tell we don't have enough mini trains to go around.

 We had our first snow of the year.  The kids and mommy were beyond excited so hot chocolate, Christmas music, and some outside play were on the schedule.

The grinch appeared the second we turned on Christmas music because you know it's Sawyer....
We also started some Christmas decorating.  We are keeping it simple this year for two everything we own is packed in our POD including all decorations and two I don't want the mess with a new baby.  We bought a small tree and found some stuff at the dollar store to decorate.  We plan on making some decorations which the kids are excited about and have lots of activities planned as long as baby doesn't make an early appearance.   The kids were actually super pumped to decorate and they got to watch a Christmas movie afterwards so I would say the season is off to a fun and meaningful start.

We are all excited for December...Christmas, snow, and new baby...perfection!

Friday, November 25, 2016


The kids were all super excited for Halloween this year.  I'm pretty sure it is Ryder's favorite holiday and he talks about it non-stop for months ahead of time.  Costumes were very easy this year as the boys each picked something from the dress up bin and Rilyn was happy with any princess dress we found.  I found a used Cinderella costume with accessories so she was a happy princess.

We did the usual leading up to Halloween...pumpkin carving, crafts, books, and lots of Halloween songs.

We went trick-or-treating at Tyler's work the Friday before Halloween and the kids loved visiting where daddy works and getting some special treats.

Pumpkin carving was a hit with Rilyn but neither of the boys had any interest in sticking their hands inside the pumpkins.   Ryder has never liked it as he does not like getting his hands messy and Sawyer was too busy playing to really care.

The day of Halloween we went trick-or-treating at Trick-or-Treat Street in Castle Rock.  The kids love all the additional activities like games and pony rides.  We also met up with cousins Xander and Aebrynn to get some candy at all the businesses.  Tyler and I decided that was enough candy collecting and didn't take the kids out after that.  They end up with way too much candy and makes for a late night since we have to stay in town.

The kids were pretty happy to come home and look through all their fun treats!