Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Happy Birthday Grandma Decker a.k.a G-Lo!

Thanks for taking such great care of Rilyn and loving her all the time (even when she is naughty).  She loves your lip kisses!

Thanks for all your support and advice and even your lack of advice when you know it's appopriate.

We love that from the moment Rilyn was born you've been able to comfort her even when we had no idea how and just became a grandma like it was a role you have always been destined to fullfill.

We love ya!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Meg and Clint's Wedding

This last Saturday Megan and Clint (Tyler's brother) got married.  They chose a small ceremony in Estes Park and will have a reception in a couple weeks. 

The weather was perfect and Megan looked beautiful.  It was such an amazing idea for a wedding and we hope they had a wonderful time.

Congratulations Megan and Clint we are so happy for you both!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

7 months old

Rilyn is 7 months old today!  She has been tons of fun and amazes us everyday!

Rilyn is eating tons of solid foods now.  For example, last night at Meg and Clint's amazing wedding dinner she ate nectarine, green beans, cauliflower, carrots, blueberries (smashed) & pasta.  She is definitely starting to eat whatever we are eating and dinner has been tons of fun.  She is still drinking lots of b-milk, but saves her thirst for that when I am home.  She is probably drinking about 8 ounces while I'm at work but then will nurse 3 - 4 times before bed. 

Rilyn was sleeping through the night for about 2 weeks, it was amazing.  However, last week she stopped. What????  I'm hoping she starts again, but I'm afraid she is making up for the lost ounces of b-milk during the day.

It could be teething too....she did get a tooth last Sunday!  It is tiny and barely poking through but it is there!

Rilyn is moving all over the place (rolling).  She sets her eyes on something and the next thing I know she is over there putting whatever it was she wanted in her mouth.  She did crawl a tiny bit on Friday.  So, I'm sure that is right around the corner.  She loves being with Tyler and I, and likes all the little games we make up.  Especially Tyler's games.  She likes being on the move and around lots of people.  We hope that characteristic sticks around awhile. 

She imitates many sounds we make.  She especially likes the game at the dinner table when her and Tyler go mmmm all through dinner.  She is also sucking her thumb...finally.  She's only been trying since she was born but I think she finally has it down.

She is awesome and we love her so much.  Life was so boring without her!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

August Grumblings may or may not get an August version of ramblings.  Today though, a treat.


My brother is getting married today which we're supper pumped about.  We have a Decker Family tradition that on the day of our wedding, the men in my family must be wearing super hero underwear.  Nothing says I Love You like right before you begin your wedding vows softly whispering into your soon to be wife's ear "I'm wearing Batman underwear".

Yeah, we're that smooth.

The bad thing about the wedding though, is I had to get a haircut.  I despise haircuts.  I usually get 2-3 per year at the most, and somehow always get the stylist who apologizes before she begins cutting your hair for her vomit smelling breath (true story).

So, I did some recon and discovered that the local Great Clips opened up at 8.  I got up, showered, arrived at Great Clips, only to find out that their stupid frackin website was wrong, they don't open until 9.

Rather than driving around to find another place to get my hair cut, I decided to drive home, and call  Great Clips to voice my displeasure.

"Great Clips, how can I help you".

"Yeah, you need to fix your website.  It says you open at 8".

"Yeah, we know....Thank you" (in a dismissive voice).

Because this is a family blog I will not describe what I said next.  Let's just say that Anna came downstairs hoping that I wasn't actually talking to a person.

I was.

So, half the morning had already been wasted, and the same dilema existed.  I still needed to get my hair did.

After further recon, I decided to call Super Cuts.  I also decided I would outsmart the competition and make an appointment.

Genius Super Cuts Girl:  Super Cuts, how can I help you.

Me:  Yes, I'd like to make an appointment.

Genius Super Cuts Girl:  Sorry, we don't take appointments.

Me: How about a call ahead.

Genius Super Cuts Girl:  Sure, what time would you like to come in.

Me: You mean like an appointment?

Genius Super Cuts Girl:  We're not even open, why don't you just walk in.

Me: Ok

2 hours later, I did in fact get a hair cut.  I came home and promptly told Anna she needs to learn how to cut hair.

All was not lost though. I've been on a mission for many months now.  If I am to earn success in this mission, I believe it will define me forever.  Today, I can finally say I have victory.  Some things are better together than separate.  Rocky and Drago.  Indigo Montoya and Fezzik.

And finally.

TD and Orange Sunglasses.

Monday, August 15, 2011

A good day? I think so...

We are so lucky to have all the people we have watching Rilyn.  Two days in particular are especially awesome because I get to spend a couple more hours a day with her.  On Mondays and Wednesdays we don't have to make the commute to grandma and grandpas so we have some extra time.  Don't get me wrong...we LOVE that Rilyn gets to go to grandmas 3 days a week, but it is still so hard to be away from her for so long.  Even if she is getting lots of love during that time.
Today Aunt Stacey had Rilyn so I got to spend my morning do this....

Eating breakfast with my girl while drinking some delicious coffee and enjoy some yummy fruit.  I think coffee is always better when I don't have to drink it out of my travel mug.

And then this afternoon I got to do this....

Go spend the afternoon at the park with my baby, hunky husband, and our good friends.

A good life?  Uh....duh!  I think so.

In other news....
Rilyn has a little tooth!  I can't see it mainly because she clamps down every time I try to look but you can definitely feel it.

Also, she is starting to get into everything!  Why buy toys when you have laundry baskets....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Broncos Pre-Season Game

Yep, it's that time again....Broncos time. Rilyn got dressed up to watch with daddy. Of course she only lasted a couple minutes before it was time for bed.

In other news...Rilyn is eating lots of solid food (mostly veggies and fruit).  She can suck the whole nectarine off the peel and then spit the peel out.  She loves zuchinni and sweet potatoes.  This has been fun for her, but not so fun with cloth diapers.  It was much easier to throw them in the wash without doing I have to get the clumps off first...FUN!

Also, Rilyn will not sleep in bed with mommy and daddy anymore.  She is a wiggly worm until I put her in her crib and then she sleeps (ALL NIGHT).  Yep for over a week she has been sleeping through the night (mostly).  Also, I used to nurse her and rock her to sleep, but now she won't let me rock her to sleep.  When she is done eating she fusses until I put her in her crib.  She then puts herself to sleep.  I know this is what we want as parents, but really she is breaking her mommy's heart!  I want to rock and hold and cuddle her for hours, and she really wants nothing to do with it.  Of course it is also in the 90's and we don't have air conditioning so that could have something to do with it. 

Work is going great.  The kids are all back and ready to roll and I have 3 amazing paras that are helping me out.  We are a great team and I love being at work.  Of course it is exhausting...physically and mentally but I love the challenge.  We got an adapted playground and now my students in wheelchairs can access the equipment with all the other kids.  It is amazing and has brought me to tears.  I love that I am in a building where my kids are not just accepted but are included. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Review of the last week or so in pictures

I am back at work, exhausted, and trying to balance my time so for now I have no words...this is just a picture recap from the last week or so....

Slap bracelts are sooo much fun!