Monday, May 21, 2012

16 months old

Today Rilyn turned 16 months old!  We haven't posted in awhile but she's been up to a lot...she is a busy girl!

I have 3 days of work left and I can't wait for our summer to began.  I plan on just having as much fun with her as I can until this baby comes.

We are loving every second of being her parents.  She is getting easier every step of the way and makes us laugh more now than ever.

She loves to talk on the phone to Grandma Pitsch who will literally sit on the phone and talk to her until I've heard enough and make them both hang up.  It is serious business for Rilyn as you can tell...

She loves to be outside soaking up the sun...

She loved cooking me breakfast on Mother's Day with daddy and making me the happiest mom in the world with her hugs and kisses....

She loves pushing random things around in her stroller like popcorn....
She loves snuggling up to Uncle Ryan to help him feel better....
She loves playing the IPAD....
 She loves eating Jello in the bathtub like Tyler did when he was little....

She loves dressing herself....
And we just love her....Happy 16 months Rilyn!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

April/May Rambling

You know what...I don't care.

Yeah, it's May, but this Rambling has been brewing in my head.  So here we go with an April/May Rambling

Also...It still counts for both.  If you don't believe it, read the copyright at the bottom.

Here we go.

Know what I love?  People completely missing the obvious.

A few weeks back, one of the American Idol contestants was ripped for "acting too old".

Turns out she's 16.

Here's a visual for some sort of perspective:

Just so you know, I'm totally PG'ing her, because this is a family blog and all.

The judges ripped her for performing like she's performing at a dollar sort of establishment rather than American Idol.  

Most of the "constructive criticism" was spot on, until Selena popped in with this:

"I think it was the shoes"

Honest to John Elway I almost fell off the couch.

It wasn't the dress (that my daughter will never WEAR, let alone BUY)...

It wasn't the suggestive type dancing moves...

It was the Dang Diggidy Fracking Shoes that made her "seem tool old".

I guess I'm supposed to believe that regardless of the outfit, or those suggestive type dancing moves, that she truly only mean to elicit votes.  

Let's just say that I've never felt more strongly that we need an "unvote" option. 

Just to make sure that I experienced a pre-mature stroke, Selena followed it up by debuting her hot new music know one that she prefaced with "It has a great message".

Thankfully I was blessed with DVR and only had to stomach 30 seconds of a 4 minute video that seemed to be about dudes that work out a lot all trying to hump Selena. 

After said video I decided that until JLo stops completely sucking I will refer to her as Selena.  

My (obvious) goal here is that she will realize that I'm only being tough on her because I care.

I've already heard from "her people" (her words not mine) and have been told that my next blog must feature a strong retraction.

Mayhaps I'll even get a Selena interview.  

Don't worry friends, Selena jokes will be rampant.  

I have so much more to say.  Stay tuned for a new food decision and some rambling about RGD!

Friday, May 4, 2012

28 weeks and MaKenna Update

Yesterday MaKenna had another scan to look at the "spot" on her last MRI.  Thank you Jesus - it hasn't grown!!!  That was such good news and the whole family is feeling some relief.  They will come down at the end of July and see if it has grown then.  If not, we can assume it is something other than a tumor like a big blood vessel or a weird spot where her bones fused together.  They will always check it out when she has her regular scans, but as of right now we are just happy it is nothing to be majorly concerned about.  We couldn't ask for better news.

MaKenna and Rilyn had a great time together and love seeing eachother.  It is very strange how much they look alike because Rilyn is Decker through and through, but her and MaKenna could be sisters.  Rilyn would also like to say a big thank you to Mashaela for the pretty bracelets.  She loves them!  You are so creative and we love the gifts you make us.

We also had a great check-up yesterday.  We got to have our check-up with Laura the midwife that caught Rilyn.  It's neat being able to form relationships with people that are a part of such an important event.  Unfortunately for us she will be out on maternity leave when we are expecting this next one because it would be really cool to have her again!

The baby's heartbeat was 150 so it's bordering on the high/low margin so that doesn't help us much with determining the sex.  Rilyn's was always much higher, but I think they consider low under 140 for a boy.  Of course that is just an old wives tale, but it proved true with Rilyn.

I've gained some weight 4 1/2 pounds since my last appointment and I had my glucose test done.  We don't have the results but no news is good news so hopefully everything is good with that.  I'm measuring right at 28 weeks.  I'm actually gaining about the same weight that I did with Rilyn and it is fun to compare the two pregnancies.

Here is Rilyn with Laura at 1 week old and now 15 months!

We don't have too much planned for this weekend, but hoping there's some pajama time 2 out of 2 mornings this weekend!  Have a relaxing and fun-filled weekend!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Beginnings....

So...what's happening this first week of May??

1.  I am 28 weeks pregnant and have an appointment on Thursday so we will have pregnancy/belly updates then.  I'm sure not much has changed except my belly size.

2.  Rilyn and I planted some flowers last weekend and I can't wait for her to have the experience to watch them grow.

3.  Rilyn's 15 month appointment went well and she is doing everything she should be.  She is 32 inches tall which puts her in the 91% for height and she is 25 lbs 12 ounces which puts her in the 83% for weight.  I figured she had a growth spurt since most of her pants finally aren't too long, but we were pretty surprised to hear she was that high in the growth chart for her height.

4.  I snagged a really cute pair of shoes at a consignment shop close to us.  I love buying used clothes and shoes for Rilyn and myself.  Hello!  6 bucks for these babies!  I looked online to see how much they are new and it looks like they are around $45.00.  Do people actually pay that much for kids shoes???  If so, they are crazy...if you are one of those people I'm sorry if I offended you, but you are really CRAZY!

5. Rilyn loves to help and I try encouraging it as much as possible.  She helps feed the dogs (which will totally be her chore as soon as she stops eating it while she feeds it to them), vacuums, helps me put laundry away, and puts her clothes in the dirty basket.  Of course everything takes triple the time, but it entertains her and teachers her good lessons!

6.  MaKenna has an appointment for another MRI on Thursday.  6 weeks ago they found what they think is another tumor in the same spot so this MRI should help confirm if it is and if so how fast it is growing.  The idea is if it hasn't grown at all in 6 weeks they will come back in 6 weeks and do another MRI and go from there.  If it has grown...well...I guess we will wait and see what the doctors decide to do.  It is obvious radiation didn't work or increased her chances of getting more tumors and it is not chemo-sensitive so amputation would probably be the next step.  BUT...we are staying positive and hoping the spot is just that a spot (blood vessel).  Please add MaKenna and my sister and her husband to your prayers this week!