Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ho, Ho, Ho

Lucky Rilyn and Ryder they already got to visit Santa!

I've been trying to hold off on Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving because I LOVE Thanksgiving and hate when it's overshadowed by Christmas. However, sometimes you have to go with the world and give in...I can't deny the kids a visit from Santa at our local library and I can't deny myself a reason not to go to the mall (especially since the closest one is at least 30 minutes away) nor can I deny myself FREE (although really bad quality) photos.

So, off we headed to the library to say hi to Rilyn's favorite person right now.  She walked right in, yelled hi to him across the room, waited our turn, and then she walked right up to him and started talking.  But then Santa made the big mistake of talking back to her...tears well up in the eyes and she moves away.

But then Santa redeemed himself by telling her he's heard she gives the best hugs and her daddy called and said she should show Santa how good she hugs.  Ha, she has nothing to say when he says that so sure enough he gets a hug.  But of course the little stink won't look at the camera so no picture.

Rilyn is pretty obsessed with the idea of Santa right now, but when you ask her what she wants for Christmas she says, "umm nothing."

Ryder was just fine with Santa.  He likes any guy that looks like he could be a papa.  He walked right up to him and liked him even more when he gave them candy canes.  Such an easy going guy!

I wish I would have had my camera so the pictures wouldn't be IPhone quality, and I really wished Santa wouldn't have made me get in the picture!  But, now I'm having a really hard time not getting in the Christmas mood!  Last night I finished coordinating all our scripture advent activities and hoping we get to at least half of them!

trying to get Rilyn to come over

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Wonder of a First Snow

I'm pretty sure the only other time it's snowed this fall Ryder was sleeping so he didn't get to see it coming down.  Today he was pretty excited to watch the white stuff fall from the sky!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

November Catch-Up

This month is flying by!  I can't believe we are already half way through the month!  So, here is a short update on what we've been doing:

Welcoming Xander Ryan Decker

Hosting our annual Friendsgiving.  It was our biggest one yet since everyone had someone special to bring this year :)

Rilyn helping bake apple pie that morning

Hanging with Tasha, Kenna, my cousin Shannon and her daughter for a day while they were here for appointments.  Rilyn was so excited to see them and hugged them all day!  Also, MaKenna's scans were clear once again!  Ryder is also still the water boy!  He loved the pool even though it was pretty cold.  Rilyn was content hanging in the hot tub with Aunt Tasha.

Other than that we've just been trying to enjoy fall while it lasts, fit in some Thanksgiving/Autumn crafts, and juggle all the goodness life has to offer!

Ryder at 15 months

Ryder is becoming such his own little person these days.  It's always amazing to see that transition from babyhood to toddlerhood, and that is what is happening in our house these days.  Ryder is mostly just getting faster, smarter, and bigger!  He falls a lot less than he was which is nice.  He still has no safety awareness and no clue how to go down anything.  He is pretty much a disaster on playground equipment.  He is starting to follow one-step directions like "get your socks" and "go give sissy kisses."  He really still loves toys especially all the pretend food and dishes. He always has at least 4 pieces in his hands at all times.  He pretends to eat the food a lot too. He loves toys and books and can entertain himself for a long period of time.   He still loves his Llama book and also loves, "Caps For Sale."  He pretends to read it and will make the same actions and sounds the monkeys make in the story.  

Stats: We had his 15 month check-up and is doing everything he is supposed to be doing.  Our doctor was surprised at how calm he was during the check-up.  Really he is just pretty chill!
Weight: 24.5 lbs (70%)     Height: 32 1/8 (80%)  

His afternoon nap varies from 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours.  Sleeps through the night and generally sleeps between 11 and 12 hours.

His 14th tooth is poking through but hasn't made it's way all the way through.  He is the drool king and can soak a shirt in seconds.  

His eating preferences change often.  He is boycotting dinner for the most part right now. His favorite foods right now are pizza, Juevos, grapefruit, peanut butter toast, and cottage cheese.  

Some new words are "happy birthday" and "boom" when he gives daddy high 5's.  

Ryder is really observant and notices things I don't think many 15 months old notice.  The other day while we were driving he pointed out the sunset.  The colors in the sky were brilliant and he kept pointing at the sky and babbling.  He also notices if Rilyn's hair looks silly and will walk over to her and start laughing.  He's generally been a pretty happy boy this past month, and we are just enjoying him!