Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November Ramblings

Hello Friends,

I promise to do my best to be brief.  I really don't think I have much to ramble about anyhow, but usually once I get going it's harder to stop than I'd like to admit.

While I know that you've all been super pumped about me finally having my boy I have to admit something.  Things are not going as expected.

Clearly the only thing to do is make a positive/negative list.

The positives:

My seed will not die with me.

He's long and lean and even though you might not think it looking at him, strangely strong.

He already clearly has a way with the joke, I've never understood how the word "swoon" was a verb until I saw first hand how their knees buckle in his presence.

I could probably go back and see when Rilyn started squatting her own body weight, but I'm pretty sure Ryder is doing it sooner and with much more determination.

He already whispered in my ear how much he hates Porter.

His birth perfectly corresponded with the arrival of 8 point bucks, bears, coyotes, and wild turkeys in my front yard (compared to Rilyn's corresponding with drive by shootings, in home gun point garage robberies, and general "Auroraness").

Where Rilyn raged, snarled, and "whacked a daddy", he smiles, smirks, and smiles some more.

The negatives:

He hates me.

Seriously friends!!!  How is this possible?  It almost feels like the joke is on me.

Go back and read the old blogs.  Even if I had nothing with Rilyn at this age I had one thing to fall back on.  The human swaddler.  Ryder spits in the face of the human swaddler.

I was also a useful tool come two in the morning when the only thing that would comfort her was to swaddle her (in a real blanket), side position, "SHHH" her, and jiggle her little head (and that friends is 4 of the 5 "s"'s) at the same time.

I've literally tried every one of those.

And every single stinking combination of some or all of them that are mathematically possible.

Results are results.  None worked.

You'll never guess what did work.  Just the touch of a Mom.

Here's how bad it's gotten.  I honestly believe he waits for me to unleash a real good projectile spit up.

Two days ago I was holding him as Anna was finishing up Rilyn's bath.  Within 3 seconds there was spit up everywhere.

And if you don't know what everywhere looks like picture the worst horror movie ever.  And then picture that movie having a baby with the devil himself just so they could have their own baby that could really pile on the gore.

That my friends would describe about 10% of what my son is capable of.

Anyways, as I was trying to clean up I knew by the amount left on his chin that there was more.

Yes, more undiscovered, lurking, vile smelling spit up.

And that meant there was either more on me, or more on a piece of furniture.

You might think it'd be worse on me, but no, I assure you it's not.  Spit up of this caliber does not immediately stand out.  It waits for one of two things.

1)  It can be days later, but the second your nose gets within proximity it releases the assault hounds on your nose.

2)  Somehow, it'll stay wet for days until you happen to touch that piece of couch that hasn't been touched in a while.

Know what's even scarier?  When 1 and 2 team up and the scent knocks you to your knees only to find that the hand that was put on the rug to stable you ended up in undiscovered floor spit up.

Anyways, back to the story.  The problem was that no matter how hard I looked I was unable to locate the lurking spit up land mine.

He also sneak attacked me with a smile so I probably got distracted.

And that friends is how I discovered scenario #3.

What do you think I found ALL OVER MY PANT LEGS the next morning at work?

Do you think I looked manly to my co-workers all day having to cross my legs praying to John Elway that they wouldn't smell it?

And do you think I didn't know how hosed I'd be if any of them happened to smell it, fall to their knees in disgust only to find that their hands also ended up in the pile of spit up Ryder left there weeks ago?

That's right my friends, my son already has me living in fear.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Some Dancing and Laughing

On Sunday we captured Ryder's 1st laugh.  He is such a happy little boy and just loves attention.

And Rilyn's been practicing some ribbon dancing.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ryder - 3 months old

Ryder turned 3 months old on Wednesday.  He is still a sweet and fun baby and we are enjoying him tons.  I have to admit that this 2nd month was a little challenging.  Mainly with some sleeping issues...

Sleep: He is waking up every 1 - 2 hours at night and screams until he is being nursed. He actually was almost sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago and did sleep through the night twice and then it's like we hit a switch and he is a newborn all over again.  We are co-sleeping still, but have tried to keep him in his bassinet in our room and even tried Rilyn's crib to see if he needs a different environment.  Neither of those places were better for him so it's easier for me to have him in bed with us so I don't have to get up.
He also is only napping for 30 minutes at a time during the day unless he is in the swing. In the swing he will nap for at least an hour usually.  He also can only stay awake for less than 2 hours at a time without needing his 30 minute cat nap.
We just bought a Wombie - a swaddle blanket that is near impossible to get out of and we will see how that goes....hopefully it gets us some more sleep!

Eating:  He is 13lbs 14.5 ounces and is getting some pretty good rolls!  He is nursing every 2 hours still during the day.  We just got him some reflux medicine to see if that helps with his some sleeping.  We are trying it for a week and if he doesn't improve than our new (and awesome) pediatrician said we could take him off it and his sleeping is more of a social-behavioral issue.  He definitely seems to have a reaction to dairy and chocolate so I've been trying to cut those out, but I have a hard time not having chocolate and my nightly ice cream!

New Tricks: Ryder is starting to become interested in toys and likes to swat at toys.  He also likes to grasp toys and bring them to his mouth.  His grasp is pretty weak still, but he is definitely trying.  He is cooing a lot and is quite the talker.  He loves to watch Rilyn play.

He really is starting to like attention and wants to be held a lot.  Which of course is easy to do since he is such social and cuddly guy!  We are just loving his smile and bright eyes.

And I just had to share this picture of our visitor today.  Yesterday we had a coyote out front and today a buck.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Campfires, Smiles, and Dress-up

Yesterday we had spent some time doing yard work and decided that we would enjoy our hard work by building a campfire in the backyard and eating some leftover pizza for dinner.

Ryder has been struggling with some reflux or something that is making him miserable and sleep horribly but I have been able to get some cute smiles from him and he is also starting to grasp toys and try to bring them to his mouth.

Rilyn decided that Zoe should wear her trick-or-treat bag and carry around stuff for her all day!  I would take the bag off of Zoe and next thing I knew it was back on her.  Poor dog wore that bag pretty much all day.  Also, Tyler being the funny guy that he is decided Ryder should have been a sack of groceries for Halloween...

Trick - Or - Treat

Rilyn is still loving the idea of Halloween candy almost a week later.  She gets very excited every night when she gets to chose her one piece of candy.  I love that she always offers her mama a piece too.  She is such a sweetie!  

When she first started getting candy that day, she would take 2 pieces and we would tell her to take just one.  But she would say, "mama" because of course she was also taking one for me.  I love that she knows how much I love candy too!

Rilyn didn't really understand the idea of trick-or-treating and just wanted to eat it as she went.  She did not like putting it her bag.  Trick-or-treating at Tyler's office was a lot of fun, and then after dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Decker's we went out for a short time.  

We also got to leave the sugared up Rilyn with her grandparents for a sleepover so that worked well for us....ha ha!

Ryder as a Jack-o-Lantern before he pooped in it...stinker!

Getting ready to head out!

Look at that loot!