Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ryder at 13 months...

I'm way behind on this post, but I figured it's all good if I get it up here before he turns 14 months (which is like 2 weeks away still)!

And really at 13 months he hasn't changed much since his 12 month post :)

New things include: taking steps, bear crawling, talking more - "hi sissy" "hi z (zoe)" "hi dadda" "thank you," and he will say "cheese" and smile at the camera or phone now when I pull it out.

He is still in 12 - 18 month clothing but I will probably move him up when I switch out their clothes for fall.  Some pants are too long depending if he has a cloth diaper on or not but his shirts are definitely getting a little short and tight so we will see.

He is mostly only taking 1 nap but every once in awhile he still needs 2.  If he takes a really early morning nap he will still take an afternoon nap.

He also has 4 molars now.  That's been fun :)  But I'm kind of glad he got them all at once so we didn't have to go through it 4 different times.  He always seems to get more than 1 tooth at once.

Other than that he is just getting more and more fun and really interested in toys right now.  He entertains himself so well, which is such a change from Rilyn.  Although Rilyn now is superstar at playing by herself for awhile.  He loves to play with their pretend pots and pans, books, and cars.

Ryder is definitely growing up fast and even Rilyn won't let me call him my baby anymore since he is one, which in her world apparently means no longer a baby.

Ryder loves to watch football it's like it's in his genes are something.  He was very excited about a Broncos touchdown this past Sunday and had a little victory dance afterwards.

Also here is a video of Rilyn and Ryder just being their goofy selves.  Seriously the girl never wears pants as you can tell from both of the videos I posted.

On a sad note...the bear came back and destroyed the coop again.  Tyler heard him and ran out to scare him off, but Charmaine and Peep-peep were missing, which left us with one chicken.  Peep-peep did come back the next morning but unfortunately Charmaine was bear dinner.

We decided to give the remaining two to Stacey and Jason since they already have 6 chickens and have it all set-up for them.

We are pretty certain that we won't be getting chickens again.  I'm sure we could bear-proof a coop but that doesn't mean we won't be attracting them and I really don't want the bears having a reason to hang out around here.  The morning after the second attack the bear was still outside and I had to scare him off and get both kids in the car the whole time being worried the bear was going to attack us.

It's beautiful living up here, but I guess we have to realize that we live at the edge of a forest and wile animals are our reality.

Rilyn was pretty sad last night especially when she just saw the two chickens in the crate ready to head off.  I don't think she understood until then.  She just asked me where the chickens friends were and then I think she understood they weren't coming back.

The good news is she is pretty excited they are at Stacey and Jason's house.  She thinks they will like living with their dog Dobi because she would actually like to live with Dobi.  We are really grateful that we had a home for them (giving the remaining two away was harder on me than the bear eating the others... weird).

We are all super bummed and missing our chicks right now!  Rilyn puts it best, "Naughty bear, go away!"

Saturday, September 14, 2013

When it Rains It Pours

It's been one of those weeks around here.  We have been super fortunate to not be affected by flooding down here in Larkspur, but our rental flooded on Thursday and Tyler and I spent about 8 hours getting water and all the carpet out of the basement.  Tyler was a stud and remained calm the whole time even when I was useless lifting wet carpet out of the basement.  Aurora was hit really hard with almost 12 inches (a years worth) of rain in 3 hours and the water wouldn't stop coming.

Driving to the rental...many of the streets were impassable

And then this morning we woke up to our chickens all missing and our assumption that a bear got that.  I mean what else would do this....

There were lots of feathers but no blood so we were hoping some of them had escaped and would find there way home and 3 did!  Welcome back Charmaine, Destiny, and Peep-peep.  We are pretty sad that 2 of our chickens were bear dinner and really nervous he is coming back since once bears find food they will come back over and over.

Tyler rebuilt a nesting box and for now that's all we can do.  I'm guessing we are going to have to get a shed for a chicken coop or electric fencing but fingers are crossed he doesn't come back.

We were able to make it a great day even though we've had lots of stresses....spent some time at our Autumn festival here in Larkspur

And then tonight we had dinner, games, and s'mores at Grandma and Grandpa Decker's.

In all honesty though we do feel very thankful that we have not lost everything like so many people here have and also are very thankful that it didn't happen 3 days later when Tyler and the kids were supposed to be up in one of the hardest hit parts of the mountains.

What a week....time for some sunshine!  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year....According To Tyler

Tyler and I got to watch the Broncos stomp the Ravens on Thursday while Grandma Decker watched the the littlest Bronco fans.

Of course the whole family had to get decked out.

Friday, September 6, 2013

End of August and Beginning of September

We ended August busy but full, and started September with a visit from my family.

What's been keeping us so busy you might ask?

Well visits to the zoo of course....this may have been my last trip with only one walker.  Ryder wanted nothing to do with the stroller or carrier and cried when I took him out for pictures because he just wanted to crawl around.

Ryder is practicing drinking from a cup....

Outings with our mom's group...
Snuggles with dad...
Popsicles in the pool...

My parents came for a short visit over labor day and it was nice to have them around!  We hung around with the kids, my mom and I took our usual visit to Ikea, and went to Palmer Lake for some ice cream.