Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Garden Update

Our garden is doing amazingly well.  We harvested for the first time today and got arugula, jalapenos, scallions, and radishes.  Everything we planted is growing and blooming and we are getting prepared for lots of veggies soon.  We are learning a lot along the way and Diana and I are already planning for two gardens next year.  Here is a picture I took in May....
This is what our garden looks like today (before weeding )


radishes and basil

sunflowers and scallions

 Harvesting was so much fun!

lady organic garden's best friend

 The kids played and were really good while we weeded and harvested

actually playing together

my heart swells at this picture

Rilyn ate some dirt from Joaquin's pole.  Nothing like dirt for a first food right?

checking out the garden
I was so excited to have a garden for the organic veggies we would be getting, but honestly the friendship and time spent with the kiddos is well worth it.  I feel like the veggies are just icing on the cake.

I hope Tyler is ready for a salad tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What's Been Going on this Summer???

What's been going on this summer in the Decker household you might ask?  Well, here is a little picture preview of what we have been doing!

Learning to sit up on her own.....

Camping with our good friends the Solorzano's

Hanging with the Nelsons....MaKenna's last MRI and CT Scan all came back normal...praise the Lord!

MaKenna beat me in Sorry...

Tyler teaching the neighborhood kids how to throw a Frisbee
Our garden starting to produce some veggies and fruits.....
And Rilyn looking super cute ALL the time....

We hope everyone else is having a great summer filled with friends, family, and lots of love!

Friday, June 24, 2011

June Ramblings

So it has been brought to my attention that the frequency of my blogging has been poor.  The good news is that your fearless leader has heard your cries (Kendall).  Don't think of me as one not in touch with his people.  As you wish (Princess Bride).

It's June Ramblings time.

I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I'm quite proud of myself after I really give the bathroom hell.  I'm actually sometimes sad that I don't have anyone to talk to about it.  Saying that, it seems like Rilyn is most proud of giving her diaper hell at the dinner table.

Even though you may have taken countless hours of birth classes, newborn classes, and the like, don't for one second believe that you, as a male, sans lactating breasts, know a darn thing about breastfeeding.  If the time you decide to chime in with your pearls of wisdom is 3 in the morning after a frustrating night of no sleep, and your wisdom is delivered in what some may call a yell, you my friend, are a total moron.

New parents will inevitably tell you 2 things.

1)  Their kid is cuter than any other kid.
2)  Catch up on sleep pre-kid.

For the most part they are right (my kid really is cuter than yours), except for one thing.  If you're lucky enough to have a kid whose favorite game is Whack A Daddy, and said game keeps you from sleep, I promise you that you won't be mad about it.

Anna has said some mighty nice things about me on this blog.  Believe me, I'm grateful, but lets be honest.  My contribution here has been minimal.  The way I see it, if your hard work results in a breathing baby that is not possessed by the minions from the abyss, you might as well as call it a day.

I'm thinking that this kid has bought me a solid year of hall passes.  Almost any tiff can be avoided by just making Rilyn smile at Anna.  I'm not even kidding.

There has only been one exception to this rule.  If your sentence starts with, "Hey, how do you feel about me heading down to Kendall's for the draft this weekend", you're probably going to have to coerce that baby into doing something better than smiling.

Bath time = So awesome
Giving Rilyn a bottle = Emotional crack

I completely understand how attached people get to their kids when they feed them.  They look at you like you just ended the cold war without even firing a bullet (Rocky IV).  I'm so addicted to it I try and get Anna out of the house just so I can give her a bottle.

Our freezer (stocked with precious B-Milk) went on the fritz resulting in having to dump around 40 ounces of milk because it had thawed.  Anna was not happy.  I was devastated.

I've also realized that the depths of how stubborn I am may be unknown to mankind.  Case in point.  I developed a position of holding a fussy baby that I've named The Human Swaddler.  It was so darn effective when she was a baby (you know, for all 2 days she was an infant), but slowly has worn out it's usefulness.

I, as the all knowing patriarch refuse to let such an ingenious invention pass into disuse.  Even though Rilyn decided, "You know what, I'm not a big fan of a position that resembles a WWF Sleeper Hold so much", I decided it wasn't actually the position, but the fact that Rilyn decided that it was time to break me.

Nope said myself to myself.  TONIGHT, I will break her (and honestly, she does need to be broken, the kid demands things her way on her time).  I then commenced with The Human Swaddler.  I didn't even get mad in the slightest as she raged in my arms.  On and on the epic struggle went.  Rilyn trying to make me mad enough that I would be forced to put her down, Myself, spitting in the face of anger, relishing in the glory of The Human Swaddler.

I learned 2 things that night.

1)  If you think you can break a 4 month old, you my friend, are a moron.
2)  Anna is the boss, and broke me with a look.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 months old

Today Rilyn is 5 months old.  Both Tyler and I are amazed at how quickly time is flying by.  For some reason knowing my baby is 5 months old has been really hard for me. Soon she is going to be moving and eating solid foods and maybe just maybe sleeping through the night and all that means to me is she just doesn't need her mama anymore.  I'm excited to see all the developmental milestones that are about to take place, but saddened by the thought that she is not my infant anymore. 

I don't have any stats on her right now as we don't go to the pediatrician for a 5 month check-up, but you have all seen the pictures...she's a chunk.  She is wearing 6-9 month clothes, but will probably be out of those in the next month. Really she has thunder thighs....we got a vaccination today and she didn't even cry...of course I thought wow super baby, but really her thighs are just so chunky she probably didn't even feel it.

She will eat every 2 hours if we are just hanging around and she gets bored, but if we are out and about and she is entertained she has gone up to 4 hours between feedings.  We are still exclusively breastfeeding; although, I am sure she will be ready to eat whenever Tyler and I are ready for her to eat. 

In the last couple of weeks she has started longer stretches of sleeping (4 or 5 hours) once during the night.  This is pretty inconsistent and some nights she is up every 2 hours and some nights I might get a 4 hour stretch of sleep.  She naps and mostly sleeps at night in the swing.  I must admit I am not super pumped about that, but sleep is so good for me and her and really I am just taking it anyway I can.  She naps great in the swing, and I can't get her to nap longer than 30 minutes anywhere else.  She just hasn't quite figured out how to put herself back to sleep.  I guess this is where Tyler and I are struggling the most.  We both want her to learn to put herself to sleep without crying herself to sleep, but that is just not happening.  Also, when we can get her to take a pacifier we are golden, but the little stink will take it for a couple weeks and then refuse it for a couple weeks. 

She is imitating tons!  Just today I was shaking my head no and she started to try to shake her head.  Of course it is really jerky, but pretty darn cute.  She is recognizing Tyler and I from other people and is starting to prefer us.  Her favorite game is still wack-a-daddy between 4 AM and 5 AM.  As soon as he even breathes a little loud she turns around and starts slapping him.  I never thought Tyler and I would wake up at 5 AM on a Saturday laughing, but we just can't help it when she looks at us with those big blue eyes.  She is also loving the dogs right now and will laugh at them when they are playing.  She laughs but really only when she wants too.  She is sitting propped up fairly independently and is sitting up without a prop for a few seconds.  She LOVES to sit up and is a much more content baby these days.

Tyler and I are loving the happy, fun, and sweet baby she is starting to become.  The first 4 months were really hard with the fussing.  I can probably safely say we are in our groove as parents and loving every second. 

trying to sit up on her own

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Pictures

We had a good Father's Day with the Deckers.  Everyone came over for brunch and we had a nice time chatting and catching up.  Then Tyler and I just relaxed the rest of the afternoon and hung with the baby!  Here are some pics....