Monday, December 7, 2015

Christmas Prep

We've been enjoying getting ready for Christmas around here.  The Saturday after Thanksgiving we got our tree out and decorated.  It's been nice having our tree up so early.  We typically don't get it out until at least the first week of December, but I've been loving so much time with our Christmas decorations out!

The kids had a great time decorating.  Rilyn did awesome and loves hearing stories behind the ornaments.  Sawyer's shirt says, "Dear Santa, I can explain" and there is a picture of a broken ornament, which apparently is perfect for him since we have not had a broken ornament until this year.  3 so far!

The boys lasted until the cocoa and popcorn came out and then they were done.  When Ryder's cocoa was gone he asked for more and when he was told no he said, "Next time we better use bigger cups for our hot chocolate."  Ha that boy loves his sweets.

The kids also enjoy getting out all the random Christmas toys, clothes, and their nativity.  Ryder has spent time almost every day in his room with his door shut playing with the nativity.  He encircles Jesus with any random toy he can find and they all have to stare at Jesus he tells me.

Ryder also kept asking to try the stocking on??  Such a goof ball thought he was supposed to wear them.

The kids found some attire for a picture, but Ryder was not pleased with his selection so we can just call him the grumpy elf from now on.

Our first family selfie.  Not easy getting all of us, including Rilyn's baby, in a photo!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving

The weekend before Thanksgiving we held our 7th annual Friendsgiving, and it was just as fun and yummy as previous years!  I remembered to take pictures of the kiddos but got none of the adults.   It's so much fun to celebrate our friends at this time of year as well as our family!

On the actual day of Thanksgiving, Ryder woke up and ran out of his room and yelled, "Is today Thanksgiving?"  He was so excited.  I laughed and told him it's not like it is Christmas geez.  The kids love any excuse to see their family and eat dessert.

We had a low key morning and all snuggled on the couch to watch the parade.  It's so fun watching the parade with the kids while Tyler rolls his eyes at the excitement over the Broadway Shows.

We did eventually have to get out of our pjs and get dressed....

We headed out to Carly and Ryan's later that morning for a delicious pot luck lunch.  Once again all pictures of kids.

These two boys are so delicious together!  It's really fun to watch them interact!  

Taking guitar lessons from Uncle Ryan...the lesson may have just been please don't destroy my guitar.
When we got home the kids immediately set up their own Thanksgiving table with another delicious feast.

Rilyn and Ryder traced their handprints on chalkboards this year and we filled them up with things they were thankful for all month long.  I love preparing for Thanksgiving because it can really help prepare their hearts for Christmas.  They really have to think as it gets closer to the end of the month about what they are thankful for and it does give them some "preschool" perspective on gratefulness.

Rilyn is thankful for:  books, family, grapes, dollies, tomato soup, food, brothers, a bed, snowball fights, friends, couches, cups, mom and dad, clothes, horses, dogs, TV, doors, and lights.

Ryder is thankful for Uncle Ryan's surgery, mac and cheese, apples, grapes, light, mean guys, trains, airplanes, Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, family, fall, snow, honey, cranberry sauce, and parades.

We are so excited to start our Christmas celebrations!  Holidays are the best with little kids.  I'm pretty sure life doesn't get any better than this!

Friday, November 20, 2015

First Snow of the Season

We had our first snow of the season on November 11th, which is pretty late.  We've had a few flakes here and there but nothing worth getting excited about.  We probably got about 7 inches and the kids were so excited.  Ryder came into my bathroom at 6:30 AM and said "My light turned on, I'm going outside to play ok?"  What??  Nope your not going outside at 6:30 in the morning in your pajamas, ha!  

They did get to go outside to play and lasted a whole whopping 30 minutes as usual.  30 minutes to get dressed, 30 minutes of play time, and 30 minutes of clean up and undressing. I want to love playing in the snow, but really it's just tons of work.  

I guess Ryder's smile makes it all worth it....

We were lucky to have the snow stick around and got to play in it quite a few days.  I totally got lazy and started sending them out with normal clothes and pretty much told them if they were cold to be done and come inside.  They lasted the normal 30 but I didn't have to spend 30 minutes prior to playing dressing them.  Pretty sure that is how I'm going to roll from now on.  

Every time I pick up the camera these two knuckleheads start throwing snow balls at me!

This last Monday I saw that we were supposed to get a pretty good storm so the kids and I headed into town to take a bike ride before we were stuck inside for a few days.  It was so nice out and we went 2.2 miles plus played at a park halfway through the ride.  The kids were definitely tuckered out.  

I'm glad we got outside because we ended up getting about a foot and half.  Definitely the biggest storm we've had since we've been in Larkspur.  I wish it snowed like that every day only because I don't have to go anywhere and it is sure pretty in the forest when it snows.  The kids are happy because we have a decent snow hill from the road getting plowed.  

Instead of Where's Waldo it's Where's Zoe

Poor Tinkerbell might be a little cold.  I guess she should wear more clothes...just saying...

We are loving all the snow we are getting and hope to get a lot more this winter!