Sunday, November 6, 2011

November Ramblings

Let's go ahead and get this done early in the month.

Heard of Tebowing?  If not, check out  I've been trying to get Rilyn to Tebow while raging.  It's not going good.  She seems to get more upset when I try and contort her body into a praying position while she's already ticked off.

It's also official, the apocalypse is near.  After 9 months and 4 days I was able to teach Anna a better way to do something "parenting" wise. 

Baby's, when they eat, are filthy.  When I watch on TV, or hear someone talking about their general dislike of kids, it's usually because they always smell like something they just ate.  The biggest complaint seems to be that they're always sticky.  I wholly agree with this stereotype because it's completely true.

Baby's, who don't get fed pureed food with a spoon are dirtier.  That leaves the task of wiping the baby down after their done eating (and don't think we haven't though about just putting her on the floor and letting the dogs go to town).

I've been developing a technique I call "The Ole" for a while, but decided to keep it to myself so I could laugh inside as Anna washed the baby's face as she raged.  I ultimately decided that 3 months of my own inside joke was enough, and so finally taught Anna "The Ole".

The premise is simple.  The washcloth is the tool to ultimately bait the bull into attacking it.  The bull, obviously, is Rilyn Grace.

Funny thing is that it works like a charm.  No crying, no fussing, it actually seems like Rilyn enjoys "The Ole". 

Anna was obviously skeptical when I tried to show her a better way of doing things.  As she attempted her first "The Ole", the sarcasm in her voice as she executed the maneuver was obvious.  The greatest part about it is that it (obviously) worked.  Since then I've been blessed to have the opportunity to wax poetically about the genius of "The Ole" each and every time Anna washes Rilyn's face.  Don't think for a second that I don't also credit the genius of it's creator.

My latest method of proving the ingenuity is to simply watch, and nod in approval as "The Ole" is executed.

The week of Halloween Rilyn came down with a bout of some diarrhea (side note, who freaking invented the spelling of that word?...It makes no sense).  Based on the runs, I stayed home with Rilyn on Halloween to prevent the illness (that my Mom, Ryan, and Carly all caught) from spreading to the other kids my Mom watches.

If I haven't said it enough I'll say it again.  Stay at home Mom's are amazing.  After the 4th time that I was forced to walk the stairs, either to take Rilyn up for a nap, or pull her off the stairs, I decided to keep count for the remainder of the day.  Between the hours of 6 and 4 that day, I trekked those damn stairs 26 times. 

Combining the amount of power lifting (picking kids up), stair trekking, and the amazing calories burned while breast feeding, it makes sense.  After a baby, Mom's get super hot, super quick, resulting in another baby.


  1. Hmmm the last paragraph is interesting...perhaps alluding to something? :)

  2. agreed diana. i think there is some further explanation needed here...
