Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ryder - 3 months old

Ryder turned 3 months old on Wednesday.  He is still a sweet and fun baby and we are enjoying him tons.  I have to admit that this 2nd month was a little challenging.  Mainly with some sleeping issues...

Sleep: He is waking up every 1 - 2 hours at night and screams until he is being nursed. He actually was almost sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago and did sleep through the night twice and then it's like we hit a switch and he is a newborn all over again.  We are co-sleeping still, but have tried to keep him in his bassinet in our room and even tried Rilyn's crib to see if he needs a different environment.  Neither of those places were better for him so it's easier for me to have him in bed with us so I don't have to get up.
He also is only napping for 30 minutes at a time during the day unless he is in the swing. In the swing he will nap for at least an hour usually.  He also can only stay awake for less than 2 hours at a time without needing his 30 minute cat nap.
We just bought a Wombie - a swaddle blanket that is near impossible to get out of and we will see how that goes....hopefully it gets us some more sleep!

Eating:  He is 13lbs 14.5 ounces and is getting some pretty good rolls!  He is nursing every 2 hours still during the day.  We just got him some reflux medicine to see if that helps with his some sleeping.  We are trying it for a week and if he doesn't improve than our new (and awesome) pediatrician said we could take him off it and his sleeping is more of a social-behavioral issue.  He definitely seems to have a reaction to dairy and chocolate so I've been trying to cut those out, but I have a hard time not having chocolate and my nightly ice cream!

New Tricks: Ryder is starting to become interested in toys and likes to swat at toys.  He also likes to grasp toys and bring them to his mouth.  His grasp is pretty weak still, but he is definitely trying.  He is cooing a lot and is quite the talker.  He loves to watch Rilyn play.

He really is starting to like attention and wants to be held a lot.  Which of course is easy to do since he is such social and cuddly guy!  We are just loving his smile and bright eyes.

And I just had to share this picture of our visitor today.  Yesterday we had a coyote out front and today a buck.


  1. ooooh my goodness- so cute! I love the close-up pic of him smiling. Adorable :)

  2. here's the woombie post! clearly have mommy brain- dont even remember seeing the woombie. haha so cool you have one too. i'm gonna start using ours more.
