Friday, September 6, 2013

End of August and Beginning of September

We ended August busy but full, and started September with a visit from my family.

What's been keeping us so busy you might ask?

Well visits to the zoo of course....this may have been my last trip with only one walker.  Ryder wanted nothing to do with the stroller or carrier and cried when I took him out for pictures because he just wanted to crawl around.

Ryder is practicing drinking from a cup....

Outings with our mom's group...
Snuggles with dad...
Popsicles in the pool...

My parents came for a short visit over labor day and it was nice to have them around!  We hung around with the kids, my mom and I took our usual visit to Ikea, and went to Palmer Lake for some ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you wherein a moms group Anna! What a fun time. A full season and full of the best things :)
