Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Number 3 Rilyn!

Rilyn turned 3 on Tuesday and we've been doing lots and lots of celebrating.  It was fun that she has been anticipating her birthday this year and can have some input into the celebrations.

On Tuesday, I took the kids swimming.  Rilyn had some choices and swimming was the one she chose.  So, off the 3 of us went...the kids both had a blast and we are lucky to have a pool with a great kid section for them to splash in.  I was pretty nervous to be honest since they both would need me the whole time, but they stayed close enough so we didn't have any scares.  I was physically very exhausted by the end of the day though.  As much as I love taking them, it takes a lot out of me to do it alone at 6 1/2 months pregnant.  Unfortunately, the picture I got of Rilyn was too dark to see, but I did get one of Ryder (who LOVES the water still).

Tuesday night we met Grandma Decker and Gigi for dinner at Red Robin.  Rilyn loved that they sang to her, gave her ice cream, and gave her a balloon.  I think her balloon might have been her favorite present.  We had some drama when the balloon popped a couple days later!
After dinner, she got to come home and open her gifts.

Yesterday was Rilyn's Pancake and Pajama Party.  She was very excited about everyone coming in their pajamas, and we ended up staying in our jammies all day.  We were so blessed to have so many family and friends come and love on Rilyn.  She was beyond excited to have everyone here. 

We had 3 different kinds of pancakes: blueberry, buttermilk, and chocolate chip.  Lots of delish toppings, quiche, and fruit.   We also had OJ, chocolate milk, and coffee to drink.  

Grandma Decker made these cute little "bacon and egg" toppers for the cupcakes.  I thought they were adorable!  It was also so nice to have some help with the little details of the party I made not have gotten too.

Rilyn and her friend made fruit loop necklaces and Rilyn really enjoyed eating hers throughout the party.

We had to get some cousin pictures!  Xander is getting so big already!

Rilyn's been enjoying playing with all her new toys...and hasn't quite come down from party excitement.

And I had to put this picture of Ryder in here because ha he is just so cute!

Happy Birthday Rilyn!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Stock Show and Superbowl....

This last weekend we went to the Stock Show with Stacey, Jason, George, and Yvonne.  It was so much fun to do something a little different than the normal and hang out with everyone.  Rilyn was beyond excited to go (especially since some of her favorite people were there) and they both had a blast.  Ryder got to ride his first pony and really enjoyed it.  He has no fear and thinks anything his big sis does is worth trying.

Rilyn ended up staying for the rodeo with everyone but Tyler and I.  It didn't start until 8, which is super late for her but apparently she had tons of fun the whole time, and loved every aspect of the rodeo.  She was giving high fives to cowboys and cheering when the horses bucked off the riders.

It was such a great time and we are thankful that Jason scored us some free tickets AND Grandma and Grandpa volunteered to brave the late night with Rilyn!

Also in case anyone has not heard....THE BRONCOS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL! WHAT??? We have some pretty excited people in this house to say the least....

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ryder at 17 Months Old

Ryder has had a busy month with Christmas, the New Year, and having daddy home a lot extra with all the holidays.  He is definitely become a climber and climbs EVERYTHING.  Mostly he likes to climb Rilyn's bed and their little chairs in the kitchen.  But stools, tubs, and bookshelves come in at a close second.  

He finally has broken through all his teeth!  The drooling has seemed to subsided a little and we are hoping that soon the drool is gone!  

His vocabulary is expanding every day.  Some new and consistent words this month are: cracker, water, shoe, thank you, up, and of course no is becoming his most favorite word. He also is starting to learn some animal sounds.  Right now he knows what a cat, elephant, and cow say.  

I can't even think of what his favorite foods are this seriously changes so often. He likes cereal, oranges, and oatmeal probably the most right now.  

He still loves to play with most toys and can entertain himself for a long time.  He loves books, toys that he can push around, and his hammer and ball toy.  He also gets to play with whatever Rilyn tells him he plays restaurant often as well as going for pretend walks with sissy.  

He is becoming very independent and wants to brush his teeth on his own, try to put on his shoes, wash his hair, and always walk instead of sit in the stroller or be carried.

He is just a ball of energy and so much fun to be with especially now that he is talking!  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Our 2013 in Review

January brought lots of firsts and new adventures for Rilyn.
She moved into her big girl bed.
 She got potty-trained.
And she turned 2!

We had a visit from my parents, sister, and nieces and nephews

Ryder turned 5 months old and learned to take his socks off.

I also started subbing a couple days a week so grandma and grandpa Decker got to start taking the kids a couple times a week.  Something tells me they don't mind at all...


Ryder turned 6 months old and started eating solid foods

Enjoyed some gorgeous views from our front deck

Celebrated Valentine's Day in style


Celebrated St. Patrick's Day and Easter

Took a trip to Montana

Rilyn got her first haircut

And we enjoyed the Colorado outdoors no matter what the weather




Ryder turned 9 months

Mother's Day

A trip to Montana

Nelson kids came to Colorado

 Father's Day Celebrations

Tyler and I celebrated our 4th anniversary

4th of July celebration

Beach play

Swim parks


Ryder turned 1!

 Fair Fun

Chokecherry Pickin

We found out Decker #3 was on his/her way for 2014

Broncos season was in full swing

A harvest festival in town

Lots of clean-up from the flooding
Lost our!

And smores making with the Deckers

Fall walks

First Snow

 Halloween Celebrations


Finger painting

Xander was born!


Another clear scan (and visit) for MaKennna

Ryder's First Haircut

Thanksgiving in Montana

Lots and lots of Christmas celebrations

Happy New Year All!  I can't wait to see what is in store for us in 2014!