Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

Leading up to the day the kids and I have been focusing on memorizing John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son."  I had decided it was a good time to start having Rilyn memorizing some verses from the bible, and none seemed so perfect for February as this one.

With Valentine's being a commercial holiday and all I want to add something genuine to it. Something more the kids can grasp as they get older because although, it is just a made up holiday, it's a holiday focused on LOVE and we can all use more love these days! Teaching the kids about the indescribable, incomprehensible, and overwhelming love of God keeps a better perspective on the holiday for us.

We of course also did our fair share heart crafts and had lots of fun with red, pink, and purple the last couple of weeks.

We started the day off with heart balloons to wake up too and mommy getting to sleep in.  We spent the morning with our mom's group Valentine's party.  The kids handed out valentines and ate lots of pink and red sugary foods.

Then it was a relaxing afternoon filled with napping just to get ready for our feast of Chinese takeout while watching the movie.  Tyler and I ordered Chinese food on our first Valentine's together and have kept the tradition going.

We hope you had a day filled with love!

1 comment:

  1. Rilyn's facial expressions!! Love the verse and your heart to make Jesus' perfect love known to them. So good, Anna!
