Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Fun Part One

I love the month of October.  It's so fun getting ready for the first holiday of the season and the kids really enjoy all the fun that goes along with Halloween.  Even though it's the end of the month we never get as much pre-Halloween fun in as I would like to!  We did a couple Halloween themed crafts and read lots and lots of books as we do with every holiday/season.

We go pretty simple with decorations around here, and the kids' favorite part is putting up window clings.  It's something they can do independently and I think that is why they like them.  They get to decorate our dining room window and their bedroom windows.  My windows are always full of little finger prints so I don't care at all how they assemble them!

My mom assembled cute cookie decorating kits for the kids.  It included sugar cookies (in Halloween shapes), frosting, and sprinkles.  We hardly ever get to decorate cookies other than Christmas, but I tend to put it off and we run out of time.  We decorated sugar cookies for every holiday when I was a kid so it's fun to do it with my kids also!  Did I mention all I had to do was put the containers in front of them and the work was done!

Yep, that's my one year old with a butter knife.  Really all he did was eat the cookies
and lots of frosting so I'm not even sure why I gave him a knife.

Ryder's sprinkle filled cookie.  He's a sugar lover to the core.

We went to a local pumpkin patch with our mom's group from church.  It's a great pumpkin patch with lots of activities included with admission.  Including a tail bone breaker of a slide that I get stuck going down every year even when I swear I'm not doing it.  This year Sawyer needed (not wanted) me to go with him because if not I was afraid he was going to break his neck.  They go so fast!

The little slide...she is too chicken to go down the big one
Hay Ride...

 Duck Races...
 Hay Pyramid...

 Corn sandbox...
 Tire Adventures...

 Pumpkin Patch...

We had so much Halloween fun I thought it deserved two posts so we will be back shortly with more!

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