Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Staycation and Potty Training

A couple weeks ago we had our first ever Staycation.  Tyler took the week off from work and with school just having started we decided to just stay close to home and plan a couple fun activities.  The best part was, although, we did plan some fun stuff we also had times of pure relaxation.  We are much better parents when we aren't cramming a million things into our schedules.

On Monday, we took the kids to Chatfield State Park to play on the beach and wade in the water.  It was actually tons of fun and we were a little disappointed we hadn't spent more time there this summer.  If it wasn't for the massive amount of bees and one very angry goose who really wanted to share Tyler's shade it would have been perfect.  The kids loved playing in the sand and water obviously and since it was a cooler Monday there was very few people so we could relax and not worry too much about not being able to not see the kids.  The kids even found a frog with some other kids and had fun playing with a.k.a torturing the little thing as they observed a frog up close.  Rilyn and I worked on writing our sight words in the sand and did a little school that afternoon.

On Tuesday, Rilyn had enrichment and I took the opportunity of Tyler being home to get some cleaning done.  I sped through as much cleaning as I could before she came home.  That afternoon we worked on school work and just hung out at home.

On Wednesday, we spent our morning working through our school work and then headed out for a Rockies game.  We had never taken all the kids, and it was so much fun.  We had good seats and all the kids really enjoyed it.  We were surprised thinking they would get bored, but none of them wanted to leave.  Sawyer loved watching the balls go high and fast and every time he heard the announcer say the word ball he would jump, clap, and yell.  He also was very serious about his clapping and spent the majority of the game clapping.

On Thursday, Rilyn had enrichment again and when we picked her up we dropped all 3 kids off at Grandma Decker's for a sleepover.  Tyler and I went to lunch at an Indian place we like and then I took a glorious nap, read, and ate french fries and a blizzard for dinner.  Seriously my perfect day!

On Friday, Tyler went in to get the kids pretty early while I got a few more things done around the house and then we worked through school plans AND....started potty training Sawyer.

Since we had the capability to be home all weekend I thought we should give it a shot and so far it has been a huge success.  We hung home all weekend and only focused on Sawyer and using the potty! I've been really dreading training this boy because he is so hard headed but I knew he was ready and didn't want to miss my chance.  Friday, he peed in the potty twice and had two accidents.  I learned that he holds his pee for an extremely long time which made the successes far in between. But, was still happy he was receptive and excited to go and wear underwear.  Saturday morning we had two frustrating accidents (sitting on the potty forever just to stand up and pee in underwear) so when he went down for his nap I was bummed and pessimistic.  He didn't nap which was really weird but kept calling me into his room to take him potty and after 3 tries was successful.  When it was just him and I, I was able to talk to him about making himself go and it seriously kicked in because that afternoon he went in the potty at least seven times including a number two! He would even run to the potty on his own and go.  He also realized the more he goes the more candy he gets so he was trying to use the bathroom as often as he could!  Sunday he only had once accident and again was telling us when he needed to go potty!  He even stayed dry at nap, woke up, and told us he had to go. I still can't believe how awesome he is doing and worried it won't stick because it was just too easy. We are so proud of him and Rilyn and Ryder have been awesome with supporting him, praising him, and letting me focus on him.  So, I'm officially diaper free after almost 6 years of cloth diapering.  Yes please!  That's like 3 less loads of laundry a week for me...for 3 1/2 months at least.

We have had such a fulfilling week, and I was really sad that Tyler had to go back to work.  I love having him home, but also know we were so lucky to get him home for a solid week.  

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