Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Christmas 2016

Christmas seems so far away already!  We had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas Day even if we didn't have a baby for Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, instead of getting dressed up we got bundled up and met Yvonne and George for our church service in the park.  At this particular park they decorate a beautiful tree and have lights all around on other trees.  It was just warm enough to be outside so we decided this was a good year to try the service.  I liked having the kids with me instead of them going to their own classes and of course the kids loved having grandma and grandpa to hang with!

Afterwards, we went home and ate our usual Christmas Eve dinner of appetizers.

The kids all bought eachother gifts.  Rilyn and Ryder used their own money to buy gifts and they all had fun shopping and picking out presents that their siblings would enjoy.  Ryder bought Rilyn a doll outfit and Sawyer a Star Wars sword.  Rilyn bought Sawyer a construction vehicle set and Ryder an army truck.  Sawyer picked out a doll outfit for Rilyn and a playdough set for Sawyer.  Those were the only gifts they were allowed to open on Christmas Eve, and I think made their sibling gifts extra special.

We of course had to prepare for Santa.  The kids left reindeer food outside (which I'm sure the turkeys loved) and cookies and milk for Santa.

Last but not least, stockings under the tree and a reading of The Night Before Christmas.  The kids were so excited for Christmas morning, but lucky for us they were exhausted from all the fun of the day and went right to sleep.

Christmas Day obviously started very early!  Tyler and I are both just as excited as the kids and we can never sleep the night before so we both end up on the couch early in the morning waiting for the kids to come out.

The kids of course had fun unwrapping presents, except Sawyer who really had no interest.  He opened one gift and then wanted to be done.  Easy to please that one!

We spent the day playing toys and lounging around before heading to Grandma and Grandpa Decker's house where we got to eat food, hang with cousins, and open presents.

We all came home exhausted, but especially me.  I started having contractions early that afternoon and by evening had gotten closer together and consistent.  I thought for sure the consistency meant I was going to go into labor that night so I was prepared to have a Christmas baby or a baby early the next morning.  But no, I woke up just as pregnant as ever with no contractions.

I'm going to be honest, being that pregnant at Christmas was no fun.  I didn't like that I had to fight though just to have the energy to get everything done.  And I definitely didn't like stressing not being home for Christmas morning.  It all worked out and I'm glad our baby came after Christmas and the kids seemed to still have an amazing time.  I'm already excited to celebrate again next year!

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