Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Fynn at 2 Months

Fynn turned 2 months on the 28th of February.  I didn't get a one month post up because #fourthkid.

Fynn is a super easy baby in comparison to the other babies.  We all love being around him and interacting with him.

Right at two months Fynn started going to sleep around 7ish and not waking up until 3ish.  He has been pretty consistent with that schedule since he turned 2 months and I love it!  He sleeps in his bassinet until that 3 AM feeding and then comes to bed with us.  He fights sleep unless he is in the bassinet, swaddled, with a pacifier, and some white noise.  He takes naps in his bassinet also.  His morning nap is very consistent and is usually at least an hour but some days two hours.  His afternoon nap varies.  Some days he just sleeps on me in the carrier and other days in the bassinet.  He is usually awake for an hour to an hour and a half but no longer.  I'm still enjoying a sleepy baby and really hope it doesn't change.  Having a baby that sleeps well has been such a blessing.  I'm a much better mom and feel like our transition has been so much easier.

When Fynn is awake, he likes to look at toys on his baby gym.  He doesn't last too long on the floor, but will tolerate it for about 10 minutes.  He loves being talked too and will coo and smile back.  The kids love talking to him and getting him to smile and he will pretty consistently look for Rilyn when he hears her voice and smile at him.  He's a mover and is always swinging his arms and kicking his legs.  He likes to be in the bath as long as he's not tired or getting washed up.  He also really likes the carrier and he will stay in that for hours.

Fynn is still nursing every 2 hours during the day, but doesn't comfort nurse at all.  When he has eaten he won't nurse again to even fall asleep.  Give that boy his pacifier and he's content.  Although, he is really trying to suck his thumb.  He still can't figure it out and that frustrates him.   At his two month appointment he weighed 11lbs 2.5 ounces (25%) and is 23 1/2 inches long (75%).

His eyes are blue, but I'm not positive they will stay blue.  I think so because they are pretty light blue.  His hair is a reddish brown and I keep saying he looks like a little leprechaun.  I'm sure his hair will get darker and be more like Rilyn and Ryder's color but as of now it's more red than anything.
Even his eyebrows are red.  He has some good chunky thighs that I love to pinch.  He still looks the most like Ryder did when Ryder was a baby.

Fynn has been out and about quite a bit.  He's been to the Children's Museum numerous times, the park, on walks, and to the library.  He does not like the car seat so that's been a little difficult.  I'm hoping that changes soon since everywhere we go is at least a 20 minute drive.  At least when we are there he is happy to be in the carrier and has been an easy baby to take places.

Fynn is still such an amazing baby and we are really enjoying him.  I wish he would slow down and stay little for longer but I know it will be even more fun as he gets older.  I can't wait to see his personality develop.

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