Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We Have A Pee Emergency

Last week the family and I (so awesome that I can say that now) went down to my mom's to celebrate Carly's Birthday.  Minus the crappy roads it was fun to hang out with everyone.  I especially get a kick out of watching the dynamic of who gets to hold Rilyn and for how long.  Here is how it usually plays out, in order of who ends up holding her the most:

Mom:  Paces until a given feeding is finished.  I also witnessed her finish dinner in about 4 minutes and happily offer to hold a baby that had suddenly just turned fussy.  I don't think my mom has go-go gadget hands, but I also wouldn't put it past her using them to reach under, and across the table to pinch Rilyn in order to make her fussy!

Stacey/Carly:  These two are in a deadlock so far.  They are both on the aggressive side, even battling mom.  They have both learned their lesson in that battle as it ultimately resulted in a quick 5 minute hold that ends in my mom taking over (see the pacing from above).

Word to the wise.  Do not cross these ladies when my mom isn't around.  Seriously, have you ever tried to make an old cranky dog get off the couch and what used to be the cutest loving dog gives you the creepy side eye and snarls out of one side of it's mouth?  I've seen a human do this. 

Kristin:  Even though she wasn't at this dinner, I have to throw her in here, because she is probably also in the Stacey/Carly level, but with a twist.  She usually comes over alone, brings a meal, and lulls you into complacency with her kindness.  You don't want to mess with her either.

Dad:  Smart enough to get his time in early, knowing if he waits his turn, it won't ever come.

Megan:  Not quite as agressive as the other ladies, nor with the pedigree of a Grandpa, but sneaky good.  I've seen her pull off a solid 30 minute hold without anyone noticing.

Clint/Ryan:  They've got no chance and they know it.  They sit back, take the scraps left over, and like it (probably because if they complain it will only get worse).

Anna/Tyler:  Yeah, we don't get to hold her a whole lot when any of the above are around.

Anna's parents have been here this week, with a visit from her sister on tap, so I'm sure some editing of this list will be necessary.  I'm kind of scared of what will happen when the two mom's are forced into competition.

Think a Liger (half Lion, half Tiger) vs. a Bearilla (half Bear, half Gorilla).
Think Rocky vs. The Russian

On that note, I'll leave you with a quick story, and a lesson that all parents have already learned.

At Carly's birthday dinner, a diaper change was necessary, and since I hadn't even seen my girl in a couple hours, I decided to man up and take on the task.

I got the diaper off, did the whole wiping thing, wrapped up the dirty diaper and set it to the side, and began preparing the new clean diaper for installation.

Here is where I made my mistake.  I allowed myself to become distracted and looked up for a split second.  When I looked back down I noticed that the changing pad I was using had a pool of liquid on it, and worse, that the pool of liquid seemed to be growing.

In total panic (not having any idea what to do, in fact, I still don't know what to do in this situation) at the top of my lungs I scream "WE'VE GOT A PEE EMERGENCY HERE PEOPLE"!!!

Luckily, someone came to the rescue with a paper towel although I think the adrenaline caused temporary loss of memory, and I don't remember who it was, but way to look out.