Thursday, March 24, 2011

2 month stats....

On Monday Rilyn turned 2 months, and yesterday we had her 2 month baby visit.  Rilyn is doing very well, and the pediatrician along with everyone who meets her is surprised at how strong she is.  Tyler always joked that his kids would start training while they were in the womb and apparently that happened.

Training for what you ask....well when Tyler was sure we were having a boy it was his basketball team that I apparently was going to birth...I think we needed 10 boys or something like that.  So, I don't know exactly what Rilyn has been training for but she has been able to hold her head up since birth, will bear weight on her legs when you just have her grasp your fingers, and her and Tyler do nightly sit-ups.  I, of course, am focusing on her mind and we sing songs and read stories everyday.  Pretty soon I will pull out the alphabet blocks and get started on those...
In all honesty we know we are just super proud parents...I mean we still marvel over how loud and big her bowel movements are.  The kid can make a spit bubble and Tyler and I think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

So at 2 months what is Rilyn doing other than being super amazing...

She is 13lbs 6 oz, 23 1/2 inches long, and her head circumference is 15 1/4 inches.
What does that mean...we have a big kid with a small head.  Last weekend I had to pull out the 3-6 month clothing, and thought I could leave the 0-3 month stuff in for a couple more weeks but after trying two different outfits today they are all going to be put away.  I thought the 3 - 6 month stuff would look huge on her, but nope fits her just fine.  The doctor politely told me that she could go longer in between feeds, but I'm pretty sure he got the hint when I gave him the "you want me to let my baby go hungry look."

Speaking of food she is still feeding on demand mommy's milk only.  We haven't tried a bottle yet, but I know that is in the future as Grandma Decker will be getting her the 25th of April and as much as she loves her she probably doesn't want a baby that has never been offered a bottle.  Breastfeeding has been very difficult for Rilyn and I, well and Tyler.  So, now that FINALLY it is going awesome I don't want to deal with pumping and bottle feeding.

Rilyn has learned a lot of new tricks this including the duckie grab which was in the previous post.  She also likes to listen to stories (finally) for about 2 - 3 minutes and play under her play mat thingy for about 3 - 5 minutes.  I am learning babies have a very short attention span.  Yes I know I am a special education teacher and I should know this as many of my students have the same attention span as Rilyn; however, it is completely different when it is your own as so many wise people have told me in the past (a.k.a my mom and sister).

Rilyn is sleeping a little longer during the night and just the last couple days we started putting her in her bassinet instead of in bed with us.  So, we are half co-sleeping half co-rooming.  She slept in her bassinet for about 4 hours last night and then slept with us the rest of the night.  She will typically sleep for 3 - 4 hours before needing to feed again.  And no Mr. Pediatrician I am not going to let her cry it out so she sleeps longer.  I am totally fine with letting her eat at night right now...that may change when I go back to work.  I wish the co-sleeping was going better, but Tyler and I always said we would do what worked best for our family and selfishly I want my bed back already.  I miss being able to stretch out and I miss cuddling with my handsome husband!  But, Rilyn's bassinet is so close I can rest my hand on her while we are sleeping so that's okay with me too.  I am having her nap in her crib at least once a day so again she doesn't go to Grandma Decker's and expect to be held the whole time even when she is sleeping.  Of course, I am not sure how her grandma will ever get anything done either since she holds her so close and tight when we are around :)
Rilyn does have Thrush, and we have been tackling that for a couple of weeks now, but haven't had much luck with it.  And, we haven't given her any vaccinations as I am so incredibly confused on how I want to proceed with it.  Since she is just getting over a cold, we didn't do any yesterday because one thing I am firm on is I don't want her to have any vaccinations when her immune system is weakened.  Tyler and I are pro-vaccination, but I want to do some sort of delayed/alternative schedule.  My dream would be to skip most of them until she is ready for school, but I know with her going to daycare that isn't safe for her or the other kids so we are just looking to find what makes us the most comfortable. 

I can't believe it's been 2 months already.  Motherhood is exhausting, overwhelming, and amazing. It has been the best 2 months of my life! 

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