Wednesday, September 21, 2011

8 months old...

Rilyn turned 8 months old today!  It still blows my mind that she has been in our life for that long, it feels like just yesterday we were at the birth center awaiting her arrival.  She it totally a mama's girl right now, and I have to admit I just love it.  I love that she molds perfectly into my body when nursing and that she misses me.  That she sees me as the person to protect her and care for her needs.  And I am just relishing that because I know she will be a daddy's girl soon and will probably stay that way for a very long time! 

The biggest thing she is doing right now is crawling...everywhere!  It makes taking care of baby a lot harder, but a lot more fun!  She has been super content lately and just tons of fun, minus the temper tantrums.  Which she has often, what can I say she has her daddy's temper and her mama's good looks!  Well, really she has her Aunt Stacey's good looks...

She is clapping, laughing, turning pages of books, and starting to wave. She is only getting up once at night and napping in her crib.

She is eating tons of food with her 3 bottom teeth!  She pretty much  broke the last tooth without us knowing so hopefully the rest are so easy.

I guess that is all that is happening now....pretty much she is just the coolest baby ever and we love her tons!!!!


talking, which she does tons of right now

1 comment:

  1. Rilyn PLEASE stop looking so adorable all the time. We love you!

    And I am crazy for her adorable pig tails on the side of the blog. They look like tiny horns, aahhh!!

    "My uterus hurts." -Anna Decker speaking about a cute baby ("Ditto." -Carly)
