Friday, October 12, 2012

Ryder - 2 months old

On Sunday Ryder turned 2 months old!  He is still such a fun, sweet, and content little boy.  Rilyn still adores him and he is her second thought every morning (after daddy of course).

At Ryder's last check-up he weighed 12 lbs 8 ounces  and is 23 1/2 inches long.  He is right along the 50% for his height and weight.  We were a little surprised about that because he seems big to us.  At least in comparison to other babies he has been around he seems much bigger.  Also, he is wearing 3 - 6 month clothing and has been since he was 1 month old.  Most of the stuff fits him just right currently and is not at all too big.

He is eating well and nurses like a champ.  He eats every 2 hours during the day pretty consistently.  He will have a 3 hour stretch here and there, but that doesn't happen very often.  He cluster feeds between 4 and 7 to get ready for the night and that can be a little exhausting but I try to stay positive just knowing he does it so he sleeps longer at night. He also got his first bottle at 8 1/2 weeks while Tyler and I enjoyed a day out at the Broncos game.  He took it just fine and Rilyn loved feeding him.  We are so lucky to have Yvonne and George around the corner so we can leave the kids without worrying.  I hadn't even given him a bottle yet, but I knew Yvonne would have no problem getting him to take it because she seems to have that magic grandma touch!

As far as sleep goes...he also does that like a champ.  He is a pretty sleepy boy still and although he is awake for longer periods he is asleep more often than not.  He naps in his bassinet swaddled up.  If he isn't swaddled there is no chance he will sleep long.  At night he is going to bed between 7 and 8 and sleeps in his bassinet until about 11 or 12.  Then he comes to bed with us and sleeps another couple hours before eating.  He will then sleep until 5 when he needs to eat again.  This isn't super consistent yet and we will have nights when he is up about every 3 hours, but that doesn't seem to happen as often as the long stretches!

When he is awake he is usually all smiles!  He will coo and smile for as long as you give him that attention.  He is aware of toys and follows them around.  He also moves tons and can move himself by kicking and flapping his arms.

Other than that the kids and I are getting ready for a trip to Montana next week and we are loving our house more and more!  Halloween and fall has been fun with Rilyn and she enjoyed decorating the house.

Oh and if you like to hear more about Ryder you can hop on over to Carly and Ryan's blog
where she just blogged about her favorite little nephew...they are just so in love with these two kids and it makes my heart sing!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness that second picture where he is smiling just made me fall for this little man even more!!! How cute can he get?!

    Look at Rilyn being such a big girl with her crafts. Love them. Love you and Ty too!
