Friday, January 18, 2013

Big Girl Bed

We decided it was time for Rilyn to move out of the crib to make room for Ryder!  He hasn't been sleeping great with us or the playpen and knew he would be more comfortable in the crib.  We weren't sure Rilyn was ready for a bed and struggled moving her out, but we definitely didn't want to buy another crib.

Rilyn spending her last night in the crib....

Rilyn really deals with changes well and just doesn't need the transition time/help that some kids do.  So, we started talking about it a little a couple weeks before just telling her she was going to sleep in a big girl bed and Ryder was going to sleep in her crib.

Her and Tyler put up the bunk beds together and she was the one to move her stuff from the crib to the bed once they were finished.

Rilyn LOVES her new bed and sleeping pretty good in it.  We couldn't find a railing for the bunk beds that would keep her from falling out and she has fallen out a couple times, but it's close to the floor and she doesn't get hurt.

She does get up a little earlier because before she would play in her crib for awhile before making too much noise so now we are back to a 6 AM wake up call.  But she is still napping great!  The first day she napped in her bed she did try to get away with playing quietly in her room instead of napping but Rilyn is far from a quiet child so when I heard the crash and went in her room she was scurrying back to her bed trying to get in before I got in her room.  We then had a little talk about how she needed to stay in her bed until we come in and so far so good.  She will get out when she is done napping but is taking long enough naps.

The transition was good and we are excited to finish up her room.  And Mr. Ryder is sleeping pretty good in his new cozy bed!

1 comment:

  1. Yay this is so fun!! Can't wait to get the room your from her next time we're over. You are such a big girl Rilyn!
