Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ryder at 7 months old

Ryder is 7 months old!  He is now closer to being one than a newborn.  I can't believe in just a few months we will be planning his 1st birthday!  

Tricks: staying on his stomach longer and attempting to crawl, imitating his sister, laughing more frequently and definitely more at his sister, entertaining himself for longer periods, drinks from a sippy cup, holds his own bottle at Grandma and Grandpa's,

Eating:  he is still usually nursing every 2 hours, but is starting to have more frequent periods of going longer.  If we are out he won't ask to nurse which has been nice for going places.  He loves food, but already is picker than his sister was.  Tonight he scowled at us when we gave him broccoli after he had been eating some delicious cheese rolls that Tyler had made.

Sleeping: Ryder is sleeping through the night with one feeding.  Typically that feeding happens between 2 and 4 AM.  Most nights we don't have to get up at all to give him his pacifier either!  His morning nap is getting pretty short 30 - 45 mins and most days I don't push for a longer nap so he is ready to go down again when Rilyn's ready for her nap.  His afternoon nap is usually 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours.  

Stats: No stats until 9 months, but I just switched him into 12 - 18 month clothes.  Pajamas and shirts that don't button at the bottom are 9 - 12 months.  He also got his two canine teeth on the top a couple weeks ago and looks like a vampire with the two teeth on the top!  He has 3 more trying to pop through!

He is really starting to try and move, which is funny to me since he still doesn't sit up long on his own.  When I sit him up I will put the boppy pillow behind him and next thing I know he has fallen over and rolled over and off of the pillow.  He LOVES story-time, being outside, and has enjoyed lots of time in the carrier lately.  

when I left him he was sitting up in the boppy

ready to crawl

1 comment:

  1. I love that he crumpled his 7 month sign! He is so scrumptious and adorable!!
