Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

A pretty uneventful day around here today.  I'm busy getting ready for our trip to Montana in a couple days so we decided to just hang around here.  We did get to the park for a picnic lunch, which unfortunately didn't go as planned.  Hey not every day is a perfect day in Decker land :)  It was too windy to really eat outside and Rilyn had two accidents so we called it an afternoon and headed home for naps.

Of course I had to take some pictures of the kids decked out in their green.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I love then in their green outfits. Hope Montana is a great trip--can't wait to hear details.

    P.S.. Ryder's new 6 month picture on the sidebar is incredible! Clear shot and super amazing.
