Monday, July 22, 2013

2 1/2 years old!!!

Rilyn turned 2 1/2 yesterday, which means today she is officially closer to 3 than 2.  I'm not sure how that can be because 3 is like little girl age and 2 is still toddler and there is no way my baby let alone my toddler is somehow moving into kid stage!!  I still wish I could stop time and let her just stay little forever!

Rilyn is really a fun and loving kid.  She still likes to give big hugs and kisses to everyone on a regular basis and her new favorite saying is, "my (fill in the blank with whomever) is here today!"  "see me""
Or, "(fill in the blank with whomever) is happy to see me today."  She absolutely loves her people!

She is playing a lot of pretend right now as seen in the last post.  Besides doctor she likes to cook with her kitchen, play on her swing set, play with her babies, ride on her lady bug bike, read books, and go for outings.  She also likes doing more craft projects but still has a pretty limited attention span.  She is really into counting and singing right now and she is usually doing one or the other while playing with other things.  She just figured out how to count to 10 and is pretty proud.  She doesn't love to color or draw but really likes cutting.  She still loves to help cook.  She helps me around the house most days and is definitely my little shadow.

Rilyn still takes a nap in the afternoon anywhere from 1 to 2 1/2 hours.  She goes to sleep at night at about 7:30 and comes in our room about 2 AM and then is usually trying to get up about 5:45 or 6.  Her new favorite routine in the morning is getting up to help Tyler get dressed (yep she is convinced he could not get ready in the morning without her) and then getting to watch a show on TV.  Right now it is either Animal Babies or DocMcstuffins.

Rilyn is still a great eater and will at least try almost everything.  There are very few things she doesn't like.  Her favorites right now are cheese and crackers, pizza, cucumbers, grapes, muffins (we make a lot of homemade muffins), and yogurt.

She can dress her self mostly but puts most things on backwards.  She can also undress herself but still needs help getting her shirt off.  She brushes her teeth and would do it all by herself if we let her.  Goes potty pretty much by herself and still wears a pull-up to nap and bed.  She is dry almost every nap and we could probably not put one on her but I would rather be safe than sorry!

I love spending time with her.  She is saying and doing new things everyday and is really a happy girl.  She shares love with everyone she meets and brings so much joy to my days.  She is still super stubborn and we have some great temper tantrums, but I love her strong spirit.

Everyday with her is a blessing and I am so blessed to be her mommy! Or should I say mom since that is what she is calling me know...seriously I thought I would be mommy for at least a few more years!!

1 comment:

  1. Rilyn how did you get so cute?!?! I just love her! She is so independent these days and her personality is just exploding. Can't wait to see who she grows more and more to be!
