Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ryder at 11 months

I can not believe that we only have 1 more month of this boy being under a year!  Seriously it feels like we just brought him home.  I'm already missing that newborn snuggle time....I don't think that ever gets old.  Of course now we have a moving, cruising, vocal boy that might give his mommy 1 - 2 minutes of snuggles if he is hurt.  Bring on the bruises...just kidding...obviously....

Tricks:  Ryder is just getting faster and more agile with his crawling and standing.  He will let go of his support for a couple seconds but is getting braver every day.  He is also cruising furniture albeit cautiously.  He is also starting to push anything that will move around the house.  Apparently rearranging is in order.  He loves balls, drawers, cabinets, his new swing set, and shoes.

He is repeating a lot of what we say and has been saying hi since 10 months I just forgot to put it in that post.  He repeats mama, dada, and papa.  Also once when I opened the car door he said "hi mama."  Tyler heard it too so it wasn't just crazy mom ears.

He is also amazing at screaming.  No joke this kid has the highest pitched screech ever and let's just say going out to eat is quite embarrassing.

He has also stopped taking the pacifier completely and prefers his thumb.  It's going to be awesome to have to kids going to kindergarten sucking their thumbs...o'well.

Eating:  He is getting less and less picky.  I guess when you don't have a choice you get what you get.  I really try not to give him other more preferred foods if he doesn't eat what we are having although I must admit it's much harder than I thought it would be.  With Rilyn we didn't have to worry since she ate everything in sight, and I know he isn't going to starve (I try not to let my mothering hormones tell me otherwise) but every time he doesn't eat I want to just give him some crackers or fruit.  So far though I haven't caved too much.

He is really slowing down with nursing and went to 3 and now 2 times a day (actually as I post this a few days after his 11 month date he is officially not nursing...bring on the tears for me.  Seriously my kids wean way to early!)  

Sleeping: He is still sleeping great and napping good too.  He is definitely phasing out the morning nap, which is really convenient for Rilyn and I but I'm just hoping it's not too early.  He will nap really long in the afternoon 3 - 4 hours if he skips that morning nap so hopefully he is getting the sleep he needs.

Ryder has been in a much better mood this past month.  He is full of smiles and vocalizes tons.  He loves being mobile and exploring the world.  He is such a sweetheart full of kisses.  He does bite and scratch on occasion and we are working on that.  He does it for attention but Rilyn doesn't quite understand that and we are having some sibling quarrels.

Can't wait to celebrate his 1st full year of life next month (again break out the mommy tears).

As you can tell from these pictures he wanted nothing to do with sitting still for any amount of time.  Thankfully Grandma Decker was here so she helped me hold him in position long enough to snap a couple.

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