Friday, May 16, 2014

Life Lately

Whew!  I can't believe it's almost been two weeks since Sawyer was born.  It's amazing how quickly time with a newborn flies.  For me, the first couple weeks of a baby's life is so magical and perfect and I really have been just trying to cherish every moment with Sawyer and our family of 5.

Having Tyler home the last couple weeks is really what probably helps make it so perfect.  I can't imagine him at work this last week and me needing to take care of the kids, dogs, and house by myself.  I really am so lucky to have not only a husband that can take time off of work but also one willing to step up to all the responsibilities.  I've been able to completely focus on me and Sawyer and it's been wonderful.  Even now, Tyler took the kids to the park so I can spend a little time at home alone after he worked (from home) all afternoon while I napped.  Yep, I'm pretty spoiled!

Sawyer is doing great.  When we took him in for his 2 day check-up he had lost 9% of his body weight and was down to 7lbs 15 ounces so we had to take him to our pediatrician the next day for another weigh-in.  We weren't worried because we knew it was just a wait until my milk came in.  He has been a great nurser since 20 minutes after he came out.  That night my milk came in and sure enough by the next day he was up to 8lbs.  2 days later he was 8 lbs 6.5 ounces!  Ha, he gained double what he needed to and for his 11 day check up he he was a whopping 9 lbs .5 ounces.  So, the boy loves to eat and is growing like a weed.  He HATES to be put down and is only content in someone's arms or the Moby Wrap.  Although, today Tyler got our swing up and he seems to like that also so that will be great once I can't hold him 24 hours a day.

He is starting to wake up a lot more during the day and we all love watching his cute little baby faces.  He is actually sleeping really good at night!  Usually I get at least one 3 hour stretch sometimes two and I even got a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night.  I think 4 hours at this age is pretty amazing and I'm crossing my fingers we have a good sleeper early.  It will be so nice with the other two kids for me to be able to get sleep.

Rilyn is the perfect big sister and anytime I need help she jumps right in.  Ryder seems to have adjusted and is not mad at me anymore.  All last week he wanted nothing to do with me; although, he has been fine with Sawyer.  We were surprised to see some behaviors from Rilyn popping up this week (biting Ryder) but not sure if it's the baby or Tyler being home or a combination of everything.  I think once we get into a regular routine in the next couple weeks things will calm down for both of the kids.

I can't believe I get to be mom to these 3 amazing kids and I'm so excited for this summer and all the fun we are going to have.  I'm going to be busy for sure but hopefully it will be more fun than work!

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