Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sawyer at 1 month

Whew!  It's been a crazy 4 weeks around here!  We are all adjusting to life with a newborn, but some things have had to be put aside....this blog for one!

Sawyer is getting lots of love from his siblings still and Rilyn is still completely and madly in love with him.  She has been such an amazing big sister to both the boys and it melts my heart.  Ryder is really starting to become more interested in Sawyer and has been asking to hold him and talking about him more.

Sawyer has been an easy baby in some ways and a difficult one in other ways.  He sleeps well at night and almost always gives me at least one 3 hour stretch.  After the 3 hour stretch he is up every 2 hours but sometimes I do get another 3 hour stretch in there.  He also sleeps well during the day either with me (if the other two are napping) or in the swing.  I've tried some naps in the wombie and that hasn't gone great but I'm not stressing naps too much right now since it's super hard with the other two to have a predictable routine for him.  I think he is going to have to just get used to ours...the joy of being the third I guess.  He eats great and during the day eats at least every 2 hours sometimes more often.  I did have to cut out chocolate because that was definitely not sitting well with him and something I will hold against him for a very long time!  I do love my chocolate!

The difficult part would be anytime he is awake!  He is pretty fussy if he is awake and right now has 2 periods of fussiness.  The first is right around lunch time and can kind of be difficult to calm down and the second and by far the worst is in the evening.  What is it with kids after 5??  Yikes, it's been rough.  He is awake from 5 - 10ish and is a VERY cranky baby during that time.  Nothing makes him happy but a bath and eating.  But he eats so much that he starts to get a belly ache and then is just pure miserable.  Some nights Tyler can calm him down with swaddling, shushing, and shaking other nights bouncing him on the exercise ball has worked, and tonight he is in the moby wrap while I type.  I know it will end soon so that is getting me through it (oh and the fact I don't have a choice) but I am definitely ready for some quiet evening time again.

Other than that he doesn't do too much yet.  Just looks cute and gets love of kisses and snuggles.

At his 1 month check-up we were told "he is growing like a weed, a very tall and fast weed"  which is normal for our kiddos.  He weighs 11 lbs 2 oz (80%) and his height is 22 3/4 inches (95%).   We also had to take him to an eye specialist because his left eye is a little droopy.  The doctor just wants to monitor it for now and so we will go in every 6 months to make sure it's not affecting his vision or getting worse.

So, thats whats happening with Sawyer right now!  Hopefully I will get a chance to start blogging again more soon!


  1. What a cutie! Hang in there, you old pro you!

  2. Oh my chunky baby boy!!! He melts my heart. It turns out all your kids have that affect on me. I will be truly praying for that crankiness to subside and that he feels so content, especially in the evenings. That sounds exhausting :(

    Good thing he is so cute :) And the pictures are so great, Anna! Really awesome shots of him.
