Monday, July 6, 2015

June Wrap-Up

We spent the last couple of weeks of June hanging low and enjoying each other!

The kids really love playing together and it is so fun to watch.  Of course we have our fair share of fighting, but for the most part the 3 of them are best buds.  I love this picture of them playing together with the early morning sunshine streaming in.  It's really what my mornings look like right after breakfast before they are tired of eachother and bickering.

They play best together outside and we try to spend some time outside every day.  I don't know what it is about mud that kids love but Rilyn will spend hours playing in mud.

 Rilyn waters flowers and Ryder waters Sawyer....

Sawyer loves finding mud and his siblings usually help by creating mud puddles.
Sawyer likes to pretend he likes to color.  He will ask for crayons and then color for quite a long time. Just long enough for me to get distracted so he can take a big chunk off with his teeth.  He thinks crayons are delicious!

He thinks he is very sneaky as you can tell.  He also thinks he is very good at hiding my chapstick. Apparently he doesn't know that just cause he can't see me doesn't mean I can't see him...

Ryder continues to be a big goof ball.  In this picture he told me he was, "Captain Hulk the Hook."

We try to get outside in the evenings too.  We really struggle with crazy kids driving us nuts in the winter when we can't spend time outside after dinner.  So, we are taking advantage of the warm weather and long days.

Rilyn checking on her rhubarb
We finally made it to our favorite splash park.  Sawyer LOVED it and was not afraid of even the biggest fountains.  I was really surprised since neither of the other two have like the big sprinklers much.  Ryder was pretty obsessed and I had to force him to take breaks since he would just stand in the middle of the sprinklers shivering he had been in so long.  Rilyn likes to lounge on the rocks getting her feet wet.  Ryder was there I guess I just didn't get any pictures of him.

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