Friday, November 25, 2016


The kids were all super excited for Halloween this year.  I'm pretty sure it is Ryder's favorite holiday and he talks about it non-stop for months ahead of time.  Costumes were very easy this year as the boys each picked something from the dress up bin and Rilyn was happy with any princess dress we found.  I found a used Cinderella costume with accessories so she was a happy princess.

We did the usual leading up to Halloween...pumpkin carving, crafts, books, and lots of Halloween songs.

We went trick-or-treating at Tyler's work the Friday before Halloween and the kids loved visiting where daddy works and getting some special treats.

Pumpkin carving was a hit with Rilyn but neither of the boys had any interest in sticking their hands inside the pumpkins.   Ryder has never liked it as he does not like getting his hands messy and Sawyer was too busy playing to really care.

The day of Halloween we went trick-or-treating at Trick-or-Treat Street in Castle Rock.  The kids love all the additional activities like games and pony rides.  We also met up with cousins Xander and Aebrynn to get some candy at all the businesses.  Tyler and I decided that was enough candy collecting and didn't take the kids out after that.  They end up with way too much candy and makes for a late night since we have to stay in town.

The kids were pretty happy to come home and look through all their fun treats!

1 comment:

  1. They are all SO sweet! I love Ryder the Spiderman on a pony, Sawyer boy driving his part of the train, and sweet Rilyn the pumpkin carving brave princess!!
