Thursday, August 11, 2011

Broncos Pre-Season Game

Yep, it's that time again....Broncos time. Rilyn got dressed up to watch with daddy. Of course she only lasted a couple minutes before it was time for bed.

In other news...Rilyn is eating lots of solid food (mostly veggies and fruit).  She can suck the whole nectarine off the peel and then spit the peel out.  She loves zuchinni and sweet potatoes.  This has been fun for her, but not so fun with cloth diapers.  It was much easier to throw them in the wash without doing I have to get the clumps off first...FUN!

Also, Rilyn will not sleep in bed with mommy and daddy anymore.  She is a wiggly worm until I put her in her crib and then she sleeps (ALL NIGHT).  Yep for over a week she has been sleeping through the night (mostly).  Also, I used to nurse her and rock her to sleep, but now she won't let me rock her to sleep.  When she is done eating she fusses until I put her in her crib.  She then puts herself to sleep.  I know this is what we want as parents, but really she is breaking her mommy's heart!  I want to rock and hold and cuddle her for hours, and she really wants nothing to do with it.  Of course it is also in the 90's and we don't have air conditioning so that could have something to do with it. 

Work is going great.  The kids are all back and ready to roll and I have 3 amazing paras that are helping me out.  We are a great team and I love being at work.  Of course it is exhausting...physically and mentally but I love the challenge.  We got an adapted playground and now my students in wheelchairs can access the equipment with all the other kids.  It is amazing and has brought me to tears.  I love that I am in a building where my kids are not just accepted but are included. 

1 comment:

  1. If you don't already have one - get yourself a diaper sprayer! Glad to hear she's doing well on solids and you are getting settled back at work. So jealous that Bri gets to see you soon!
