Thursday, January 26, 2012

12 month check-up

Yesterday we went to Rilyn's 12 month check-up.  She is healthy and doing everything she is supposed to be doing.  Just as we figured!  Here is a little update of what Rilyn is doing at 1 years old....

Stats: 23 lbs (76%)
          30" (73%)
Head - 18" (66%)

Eating - Rilyn still loves food and we haven't found too much she doesn't like.  She still won't touch avocado and her favorite food right now is probably black beans, cheese, and any kind of fruit.  I'm glad we haven't gone on any eating strikes yet; although, I'm sure they are coming.  As far as milk, she is on cow's milk and seems to be tolerating it fine.  We are still giving her a bottle and honestly I have no desire to wean her from it yet.  I know it's bad for their teeth but we brush her teeth every morning and night (after her last bottle).  We will see I guess we need to start thinking about it.  She is still nursing 1 - 2 times in the morning and it's a nice way to wake up for the both of us.  I get to stay in bed a few minutes longer and she gets some good milk.  The weaning from nursing was super easy with her.  She just did it on her own and that made it really easy on me. 

Sleep - She is napping 1 - 2 times a day.  She takes a short morning nap and a longer afternoon nap.  Usually she sleeps for about 2 - 21/2 hours a day.  She still wakes up between 3 - 5 AM to nurse.  I have no idea how to break her of it and really don't care as long as she is sleeping through the night when the next one arrives.  So, we have a few months to figure it out.  Last nigth she didn't wake up until 5 AM, which really is great considering she goes to bed between 6 - 6:30 most nights.  We try to keep her up later but she gets super fussy and is just ready around that time.

Talking - Rilyn is talking quite a bit.  She babbles all day long and we have heard the words: grandma, grandpa, papa, dog, Zoe Zoe, book, all done, more, mama, dada, hi....her favorite thing to say is "hi dada" which is super cute because she says it in a very sweet voice and is usually the first thing she says every morning.  She is also mimiking a lot and today as I was reading her a story she was repeating pretty much everything I was saying.  I did realize that teaching her to sign/talk does have it's disadvantages.  We were shopping and I had just stuck her in the cart, she looks at me, signs all done, and then proceeds to meltdown because we weren't done.

Moving Around - Rilyn still prefers to crawl over walking.  She takes steps all the time and has taken 5 - 6 steps at a time, but really is happy crawling. I'm sure she will be walking any day now.  I'm really in no hurry for her to walk other than I feel like it will give us more time outside.  Especially right now when it's nice enough to be outside some days but the ground may be wet or cold. 

Rilyn is just doing great and we love spending time with her.  Every day she does something new and she amazes us!
Rilyn enjoying her new trike:

 Tonight at dinner Rilyn was in a less than favorable mood so after a little fit she got turned around to eat by herself...boom roasted Rilyn we are totally the bosses in this house!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha OH. MY. GOSH! literally just laughed out loud at how incredibly hilarious those last 2 pics are. She looks so funny and sad all at the same time :( i love that little girl.

    And you guys are the coolest parents we know.
