Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's Been 1 Year....

It's been 1 year since this little girl changed our lives....
This year has been full of joy, laughter, tears, hardships, learning, and love.  You can never grasp the love a mom has for her children until that moment when you first meet them.  I have been overwhelmed with the responsibility and love I have for this tiny little piece of the two of us.

It has been amazing to watch her grow, change, and get to know us as her parents, and I am excited for more!  Being a mom is way different than I ever imagined it in so many ways and that is all good.  I am a much more flexible, caring, tired, loving, busy, scared, satisfied person.

Rilyn makes me smile every day with her words, actions, and smiles. She is such a fun little girl with big personality. And I know she will do amazing things, but even if she doesn't I couldn't stop loving every inch of her.

Yesterday, we had a great party with a few friends and family and celebrated all she has brought to our lives.  Thank you everybody for joining us, and showing our little girl all the love in the world!

And on a side note...happy birthday grandma!  We were thinking of you a lot yesterday and wishing you could celebrate with us.  We miss you a lot and can't wait for you and Rilyn to celebrate your birthdays together someday.  It is so special that she gets to share that day with you!

And let the party continue...

11 Month Info:

Rilyn turned 11 months old on 12.21.11.  I can't believe our next months post will be 1 year!  Rilyn is turning more into a toddler everyday, and I see less and less of that chunky little baby.  Not much has changed since the 10 month post.  She is just getting better at everything and quicker.  She does seem to understand a lot more and is copying more signs and words but not consistently.  She has also just recently decided that she likes a story before bed every night.  Of course, I've been trying to get  her to let me read her books since she was 1 day old, but she's never been that interested and now she asks for them.
In other news, we were supposed to drive to Montana yesterday and got 3 hours north and had to turn around. We don't think we would have made it in under 12 hours or so and that is too long to be driving on pure ice.  I will probably try to take Rilyn and go up after Christmas, but of course I really don't want to get back in the car especially by myself so we will see.

Well, Rilyn is getting into everything she isn't supposed to so I better get moving.


  1. "this tiny little piece of the two of us" -you

    love it. lover her. love you!

  2. SO cute!

    I especially love the first picture, the one of the 3 of you around the highchair and the last one with your parents! So sweet!
