Saturday, May 12, 2012

April/May Rambling

You know what...I don't care.

Yeah, it's May, but this Rambling has been brewing in my head.  So here we go with an April/May Rambling

Also...It still counts for both.  If you don't believe it, read the copyright at the bottom.

Here we go.

Know what I love?  People completely missing the obvious.

A few weeks back, one of the American Idol contestants was ripped for "acting too old".

Turns out she's 16.

Here's a visual for some sort of perspective:

Just so you know, I'm totally PG'ing her, because this is a family blog and all.

The judges ripped her for performing like she's performing at a dollar sort of establishment rather than American Idol.  

Most of the "constructive criticism" was spot on, until Selena popped in with this:

"I think it was the shoes"

Honest to John Elway I almost fell off the couch.

It wasn't the dress (that my daughter will never WEAR, let alone BUY)...

It wasn't the suggestive type dancing moves...

It was the Dang Diggidy Fracking Shoes that made her "seem tool old".

I guess I'm supposed to believe that regardless of the outfit, or those suggestive type dancing moves, that she truly only mean to elicit votes.  

Let's just say that I've never felt more strongly that we need an "unvote" option. 

Just to make sure that I experienced a pre-mature stroke, Selena followed it up by debuting her hot new music know one that she prefaced with "It has a great message".

Thankfully I was blessed with DVR and only had to stomach 30 seconds of a 4 minute video that seemed to be about dudes that work out a lot all trying to hump Selena. 

After said video I decided that until JLo stops completely sucking I will refer to her as Selena.  

My (obvious) goal here is that she will realize that I'm only being tough on her because I care.

I've already heard from "her people" (her words not mine) and have been told that my next blog must feature a strong retraction.

Mayhaps I'll even get a Selena interview.  

Don't worry friends, Selena jokes will be rampant.  

I have so much more to say.  Stay tuned for a new food decision and some rambling about RGD!


  1. #1 What is RGD? And #2 Are you guys not being vegetarian anymore? I voted that you will start eating organic chicken or something and Ryan voted that you're going vegan. Ha!

    Love you guys!

    1. RGD = Rilyn Grace Decker. We started calling her that when she was a crazy rager (since it sounds like RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade).

      Food Decision = We've decided to go on an all red meat diet.

      Steak and Eggs for Breakfast
      Burgers for Lunch
      Roast for Dinner

      Oh yeah, and snacks will only consist of beef jerky. Lots and lots of beef jerky!

    2. Yum! Topped with spam and bacon.
