Thursday, June 21, 2012

35 Weeks and 17 Months....

Today I am 35 weeks pregnant and Rilyn is 17 months old!

I think the biggest change with Rilyn is her annunciation with words has become very clear.  She has been imitating what we say for awhile, but just in the last couple of weeks I really have noticed how much clearer her language is.
She officially has 4 more teeth, but a couple are still trying to poke through.  It's so weird seeing molars in her little mouth.
She is also starting to go through a little phases where she wants me to hold her constantly.  She has never been a baby that likes to be held and doesn't sit still long enough to cuddle but lately she wants me to hold her all the time and will just sit on the couch with me and snuggle.  I'm not sure what's bringing this on since I am home now and spend all my time with her but maybe that's it.  Also, so not good timing for this to happen with the baby coming in a month and all!
She is still super social and, on her own terms, likes to say hi and bye to everyone she meets numerous times.  
She is tons of fun as usual and I love watching her do new things every day!

At 35 weeks I am feeling...PREGNANT!  Which I guess is a good thing :)  I'm getting bigger by the second which I did with Rilyn at this time also.  I have gained 15 1/2 lbs and am starting to get a little more uncomfortable.  I am having a really hard time sleeping at night and I am typically can sleep until about 1:00 but then I am up.
The baby is head down still and we are super pumped about that since it was presenting breech a couple of weeks ago.  The heart rate was 140 yesterday and he/she is moving all over the place!
We are getting more and more excited and realized we probably should start preparing since we haven't done anything to get ready for this munchkin yet!

1 comment:

  1. Yay can't wait for Baby Decker #2!! Plus Rilyn look so cute in her little blue dress. Glad to hear you two are enjoying the new time home together-such a blessing!
