Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ryder at a half a year

Ryder turned 6 months old a couple weeks ago!  Obviously time is flying by since I haven't even had time to write his 6 month post!

Tricks: putting his feet in his mouth, pouting, sitting up when he wants to, rolling from stomach to back, takes his socks off, and making lots of new faces.

Eating:  Ryder is still just being nursed and we haven't started any solids yet.  He eats every 2 hours for mom but will go up to 3 hours for Grandma Decker.

Sleeping: Ryder has gone backwards in his sleeping again.  I'm not sure why he sleeps good for awhile and then reverts back, but it is sure frustrating.  I just keep trying to remind myself that this season in our lives will pass and someday I will miss my babies needing me so much.  Ha, I'm totally just saying that to make myself feel better....I will never miss these all nighters...ugghhh.  So, he is up about 3 times a night which averages out to 3 hour stretches for me if Rilyn doesn't get up also.
He naps good still though!  Gotta count my blessings :)

Stats: Ryder weighs 18lbs 3 oz which puts him in the 60% and his height is 27 1/4 inches long which puts him in the 75%.  He is wearing 9 - 12 month clothing.  He is definitely not chunky all over like Rilyn was but his thighs have about 4 amazingly cute rolls!

He loves to be held and played with.  He listens to stories and likes singing songs with his sister.  He plays with toys well and really likes the dogs.  He is such a cute little boy and we just love his smile.  He is still a snuggler and would be more than happy to fall asleep in my arms everyday at nap time if I would let him.

"Look mom I can take my socks off!"

Rilyn doesn't love to squeeze her brother or anything...

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