Friday, June 21, 2013

Ryder at 10 months

Ryder turned 10 months on June 7th.  9 months was a month of new tricks, some fussiness, and lots of kisses!

Tricks: Ryder is crawling (very fast) everywhere.  He is also standing up holding onto things and pulling himself up.  He absolutely loves being on his feet.  He is waving bye and giving kisses now also.  He also likes to play ball and will smack the ball until it rolls away from him.  He can also climb up steps at the playground.  Seriously, that is a lot of new tricks for one month!  He went on a nursing strike for a couple days and had been very fussy in May. As soon as the moving started most of the fussiness went away and he is just happy getting into everything.  

Eating: Ryder is a little less picky than he was last month.  He still loves bananas and crackers.  One of his new favorite things is cheese.  He is nursing 4 - 5 times in a 24 hour period but only for a few minutes.  I really just think it's habit at this point because he doesn't seem to get much and he doesn't seem to care.

Sleeping: He sleeps great through the night. He goes to sleep between 6:30 and 7:00 and wakes up between 5:30 and 6:30.  He is still napping twice a day but can handle skipping his morning nap if we want to get out of the house in the morning.  

Stats: We have no stats for 10 months.  He is in 12 - 18 month clothing and seems bigger every day!

Hopefully we are past this attitude he has had and we can get back to our happy-go-lucky baby.  He is sure cute and lots of fun now that he is doing all these new things.  He is a biter and I'm not quite sure what to do about that.  He bites anyone that gives him the chance and when you tell him no he just tries to do it again.  Hopefully that just fades away on it's own soon.  He LOVES the chickens and gets very mad that he can't hold them (since he would probably squeeze the life out of them).  

Excited for another month with our boy!

FYI getting a picture of him was near impossible since he wouldn't sit still and wouldn't leave the sign alone....

Rilyn of course needed her picture taken also

She was saying cheese apparently

1 comment:

  1. AHHH Rilyn is like 13 in these pictures!! My heart is dying over her tiny adult cuteness.

    Does it look like Ryder is sensually making out with the sign in the 3rd picture from the top? Can't believe he is 10 months.
