Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pool, Chickens, Sickness, and Babies

The title kind of sums up what's been happening around here this week.

Mostly we've all (except Tyler) been recovering from a cold. Rilyn had it first and then Ryder and I both got it, but I think we are all on the mend and hoping Tyler doesn't get it next!
Ryder was pretty miserable for a couple days and spent quite a bit of time sleeping and snuggling on me.  I was very grateful to have Grandma Decker around to take Rilyn for a day and night so I could spend some time getting myself and Ryder better and then Tyler was super dad/husband and took amazing care of me and the kids for the last two days so I can heal.

It's finally getting warm again here (it's really been feeling more like fall) and so we are taking advantage of the last few weeks of summer.  Fall definitely comes sooner up here (we are at a little more than 6700 ft) and the night air has that chill to it already.

So, anyways the chickens and kids had some backyard pool time.

come here chicky!

Rilyn's going through a baby phase again.  She is becoming attached to one doll in particular and not only do you have to give it a drink before bed but you also have to kiss it goodnight.

Measuring her baby like they did to Ryder at the doctors last week.

Usually her dolls are all naked but today I got her to put some clothes on them all for a short few seconds.

And just some random pictures of my studly man

The kids are already in to wrestling...this should be interesting...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chokecherry Pickin

We discovered that our property is covered in chokecherries and I couldn't be more excited!  My grandma has always picked chokecherries and made delicious goodies with them and I've always wanted to spend some time with her learning her tricks and now that we have our own chokecherries I'm determined to spend some time with her next summer learning - so be ready grandma!

Until then Yvonne said she would help me do something with these beauties...

Rilyn is very excited about the cherries and finds them everywhere we go now.

Of course she only lasts about 5 seconds worth of picking and then she starts....

chasing chickens

finding mushrooms

or just being her silly self

But so far we have a bucket full and we are going to keep picking until we have a freezer full!

Also Rilyn has a message for her Great Grandma Hermie....

Monday, August 12, 2013

Party Time!

Yesterday we had Ryder's birthday party and it was great.  Lots of our family and friends came out to celebrate the little dude and he was spoiled rotten with love, attention, and gifts!


Here are some pics of the very simple decor and food.  I've decided that I'm not much of a party planner so I tried not to put too much time, effort, or money into the decor.

ha ha realized we didn't have food out when I took this picture...we did have food
Ryder obviously loved his Oreo cupcake and didn't leave any for the dogs to clean up.

We were so happy to celebrate with everyone!  We sure are blessed to have Ryder in our lives and I'm super excited to see what the next year brings!