Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ryder at One Year

Today we had Ryder's one year appointment and he is doing great!  He is growing and developing and just being a super fun little boy.  

Ryder's weight is 21 lbs 15 ounces which puts him in the 60% and his height is 30 1/2 inches which puts him in the 75%.  He has 4 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth, with 2 molars on the bottom poking through.  Those molars have given him a hard time and we've all felt the pain of teething the last couple of weeks.  

Tricks:  Ryder loves to cruise furniture right now and spends quite a bit of time moving around the house.  He likes to crawl under things (tables, chairs, tunnel) and spin around in circles while sitting.  He is starting to show us what he wants more by using his body.  For example, this morning he went to his highchair when he was hungry.  He loves to put objects in containers and also make loud noises by emptying out containers.

Eating:  He is eating pretty well and really surprises me with some of the things he ends up liking such as mushrooms and green chili.  He is completely on whole milk now and is doing fine with it.  Right now he is obsessed with fruit and yogurt.  Those are probably his two favs currently.  

Sleeping: Ryder sleeps great at night 7:00ish - 6:00ish.  The number of naps he takes just depends on the day.  Some days he takes two good naps and other days he will take one short nap.  I pretty much just go with what he seems to need that day and that seems to be working good for now.  

He loves to play chase and ball with Rilyn and those two are constantly laughing at eachother.  They really do just love eachother to pieces.  She is really excited that he can play with her now.  Of course we have some sibling tifs because they each want only what the other one has.  

Ryder is still pretty chill and we love watching him learn new things.  He is such a fun little boy who we just can't get enough of.  It's been an amazing year with 2 kids so close in age and is way more fun than I ever thought it could be.  We are some pretty lucky parents!

Happy Birthday Ryder!!  You have brought so much love and joy to our family!

1 comment:

  1. Cutest little photo shoot ever! Great job Anna, this is so sweet.
