Saturday, July 12, 2014

Sawyer at 2 months

Sawyer turned 2 months on July 3rd, the same day Henry was born - they are exactly 2 months apart.  Sawyer really seemed to turn from an infant into a baby this month.  

Sawyer has been fairly inconsistent with sleeping this last month.  I never know what to expect.  He is not sleeping as well as he was last month.  He REALLY wants to suck his thumb so for the majority of the night he smacks himself in his face with his fists hoping to get his thumb in his mouth.  I have no clue why this is so hard for babies to figure out. Rilyn also struggled with it.  We swaddle him to help keep his hands away from his face but even Tyler's super tight swaddle can't keep him swaddle anymore as he is getting too strong and the wombie makes him mad...very mad.  So, we are doing whatever works at the moment.  For the most part he is falling asleep around 9 (still way later than I like) and staying asleep until 1.  After that, he is usually up at least every 2 hours.  Naps are either in the swing or on me and lasting no longer than 20 - 30 minutes other than his first morning nap which is a full glorious hour.  Sleep has never been my strong suit as a mom and I can admit that; however, the kids turn out to be good sleepers :)  Rilyn and Ryder both sleep well at night and take great naps so I can't be doing everything wrong I guess.  

Sawyer is becoming less fussy in general.  He is starting to like toys and watching his siblings.  He also loves listening the the shower and the vacuum.  So, right now it's praise for the small things a vacuumed floor and a hot shower!  He also loves to coo and smile.  And he loves to be outside either in the stroller or carrier as long as they are moving.  Evenings are becoming less frustrating.  He still starts getting fussy around 5 but is pretty consolable until about 7.  He falls asleep around 9 after a lot of work.  

He is nursing every 2 hours at least during  the day.  He still hasn't taken a bottle.  We've tried giving it to him while in the bouncy seat and have tried letting Rilyn do it.  I'm not quite sure how to get this boy to take a bottle, but he better be figuring it out since school starts in little under a month and I really need a haircut!

At his 2 month check-up he was weighing 13 lbs 5.5 oz (80%) and his height was 23 7/8 inches (85%).  He is bigger than Ryder at 2 months but smaller than Rilyn.  Ha, I think Rilyn is going to be bigger than her little brothers!  He is doing great and the pediatrician is impressed with his head control and neck strength.  

We do love the little boy and still enjoy watching the kids bond with him and love on him.  I can't believe how much he is changing and growing.  His smile and coos seriously melt my heart.  Although the lack of sleep is hard I'm loving having a baby in the house again.  

He does have his classic grumpy sauce face on in these pictures!

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